personal insurance contract是什么意思 personal insurance contract的中文翻

personal insurance contract是什么意思 personal insurance contract的中文翻

personal insurance contract在中文中有"人身保险契约"的意思,在英美地区还有"法"的意思,单词读音音标为[personalinsurancecontract],personal insurance contract常被用作名词,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到45个与personal insurance contract相关的句子。

Personal insurance contract的翻译


例句:art,history,performance,personal growth (art,history,performance,personal growth)


例句:Because of a misunderstanding with the insurance, (因为一些小误会 Because of a misunderstanding with the insurance,)


personal insurance contract一般作为名词使用,如在personal contract(动产契约)、insurance contract([经] 保险契约, 保险合同)、personal insurance([经] 个人保险)等常见短语中出现较多。

personal contract动产契约
insurance contract[经] 保险契约, 保险合同
personal insurance[经] 个人保险
fire insurance contract火险契约
life insurance contract人身保险合同
marine insurance contract[经] 海上保险合同
original insurance contract原保险合同
personal accident insurance[经] 个人人身意外伤害保险
personal belongings insurance个人财产保险


1. That contract is worth 340 million! (翻译:That contract is worth 340 million!)

2. Fine, I love listening to your personal affair (翻译:I love listening to your personal affair)

3. This is the balance of your contract. (翻译:这是你合约的尾款 This is the balance of your contract.)

4. Look, a contract is a contract. (翻译:合同就是合同 Look, a contract is a contract.)

5. The Contractor shall obtain the Contractors all Risk and Tird Party Liability insurance for the entire contract works, which shall include the Sub-Contract works at no cost to the Sub-Contractor. (翻译:承包商将为整个项目投保承包商一切责任险以及第三者责任险,该保险已包含了分包合同的公工作,分包商无需为此承担费用。)

6. - So, you fight any demons this summer? - Yes, our own personal demons. (翻译:our own personal demons.)

8. In freightage insurance contract, of insurance mark is the goods in carriage process. (翻译:在货物运输保险合同中,保险标的是在运输过程中的货物。)

9. Check your personal e-mail. (翻译:Check your personal e -mail.)

10. Putting personal feelings aside. (翻译:no.. no! Putting personal feelings aside.)

11. Continue to take personal inventory. (翻译:Continue to take personal inventory.)

12. It could be a certificate, a contract, real world objects, even personal identifiable information. (翻译:它可以是一个证书、一个合同, 现实世界的物件, 甚至是个人的身份信息。)

13. He handles their itineraries, their personal needs. (翻译:their personal needs.)

14. Does she have a good insurance company? (翻译:她上保险了吗 Does she have a good insurance company?)

15. Insurance'll cover most of it. It's personal stuff that's worse. (翻译:幸好丢失的大部分财物都上了保险 更糟糕的是 丢的都是些私人物品)

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