例句:Only one way to fi-fi-fi-fi-fi-fi-find out! (只有一个办法... ... 来了解一下。)
例句:N equals R times FP times NE times FL times Fl times FC times L? (N=R*FP*NE*FL*FI*FC*L?)
例句:He was a LeBeau or a Childress? (What, Fi? He was a LeBeau or a Childress?)
1. He was a LeBeau or a Childress? (翻译:What, Fi? He was a LeBeau or a Childress?)
2. Chi Fi Shi Festival, Shadow Theater. (翻译:吃袭击节,皮影剧院 Chi Fi Shi Festival, Shadow Theater.)
3. Fi, Jesse's seen a lot of bad things happen to a lot of good people. (翻译:Fi Jesse目睹了许多 发生在很多好人身上的悲剧)
4. I have no interest in your fi... (翻译:这是为了我的论文! 对你的电影我不感兴趣...)
5. Only large cations with low charge give a stable ionic lattice with the large polyhalide ions . (翻译:仅仅带低电荷的大的阳离子,能和大的多卤化物离子产生稳定的离子晶格。)
6. This man told me that Brexit was the petri dish for Trump. (翻译:这个人告诉我, 英国退欧是特朗普的培养皿。)
7. Priest stashed Fi and Kerrianne at St. Matt's Rectory. (翻译:神父把Fi和Kerrianne 安排在St. Matt教堂)
8. And so what if you could grow a battery in a Petri dish? (翻译:那么,如果你能在皮氏培养皿中培养出电池将会怎样? )
9. to the corundum structure except that the cations are of two different types. (翻译:除了阳离子是两种不同种类以外,它和刚玉构型非常接近。)
10. Theoretical Study of the Butene and Butane Radical Cations: Molecular and Hyperfine Structures (翻译:丁烯和丁烷自由基阳离子的分子结构和超精细结构的理论研究)
11. A Query Description Model of Soccer Video Based on BSU Composite Petri-Net (翻译:一种基于基本语义单元合成Petri网的足球视频查询描述模型)
12. In the petri dish, they have an ocean of breakfast and no natural enemies. (翻译:而在培养皿中,它们营养充足, 并且没有天敌。)
13. They don't have wi-fi and the coffee's not organic. (翻译:他们不具备的Wi -Fi和 咖啡是不是有机的。)
14. Carbon cations are important organic reaction intermediates, and hydrogen shift is a key path through which carbon cations isomerizes. (翻译:正碳离子是重要的有机化学反应中间产物,而氢原子移位则是正碳离子异构化的主要反应途径。)
15. Ion chromatography with suppression conductometric detection was applied to the determination of anions and cations in sea water. (翻译:采用离子交换-抑制电导法测定海水中阴、阳离子。)