petrolines是什么意思 petrolines的中文翻译、读音、例句

petrolines是什么意思 petrolines的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Petro says the technology is more than 90% accurate and improves over time. (佩特罗称,这一技术的准确率超过90%,而且还会随着时间推移而不断提高。)


例句:¶ not to read in between the lines ¶ (# not to read in between the lines #)


1. I'll take money to the priest, maybe he'll stick up for Petro. (翻译:我要把钱拿给神父 也许他会帮彼得求求情的)

2. Girls love straight lines crisscrossing, crisscrossing. (翻译:女孩们喜欢纵横交错的的直线 Girls love straight lines crisscrossing, crisscrossing.)

3. But this typo, in its original, was four lines long. (翻译:was four lines long.)

4. And the lines, crooked lines, they formed a word. (翻译:然后这些线条, 这些歪歪斜斜的线条便形成了单词。)

5. And the fluffy white lines that the airplane leaves behind (翻译:∮ And the fluffy white lines that the airplane leaves behind)

6. You cannot make up your own lines! (翻译:你们不能随便乱改台词 {\3cH202020}You cannot make up your own lines!)

7. I can give you a ton of lines for this. (翻译:我会教你一堆台词的。I can give you a ton of lines for this.)

8. But I could read between the lines. (翻译:But I could read between the lines. 但是我读懂话中话)

9. And it put him on the map. (翻译:《卫报》内页会说几句 不用担心 Afew lines on The Guardian.)

10. Ruins the lines of my suit. (翻译:Ruins the lines of my suit.)

11. Iran, mired in deficits, is in no position to help, compared to the still-flush Arab petro-monarchies. (翻译:伊朗,财政赤字,和赋予的阿拉伯产油国比起来已经处于无能为力的位置了。)

12. Are we going further outside the lines than that? (翻译:我们会比那更违反规定吗? Are we going further outside the lines than that?)

13. Transporting undeclared commerce across borough lines? (翻译:Transporting undeclared commerce across borough lines? 货物运输未经许可?)

14. Some of them try to make up their own lines. (翻译:一些人试图自己想词 Some of them try to make up their own lines)

15. Optimizing angles and sight lines. (翻译:还有优化视线视角的方式 Optimizing angles and sight lines.)



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