petrooccipital fissure是什么意思 petrooccipital fissure的中文翻译、读音、例句

petrooccipital fissure是什么意思 petrooccipital fissure的中文翻译、读音、例句

petrooccipital fissure在英语中代表"岩枕裂"的意思,其次还有"岩枕裂"的意思,发音音标为[petrooccipitalfissure],petrooccipital fissure常被用作名词,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到20个与petrooccipital fissure相关的例句。

Petrooccipital fissure的释义


例句:And the key thing to notice in this figure here is that right down the center of the right brain and the left brain there's a large fissure that goes deep into the brain. (这幅图中值得注意的是 左右脑中间的正下方 有一个深入脑组织的裂缝 )


petrooccipital fissure一般作为名词使用,如在petrooccipital articulation(岩枕骨关节)、petrooccipital synchondrosis(岩枕结合)、dilatation fissure(膨胀裂隙)等常见短语中出现较多。

petrooccipital articulation岩枕骨关节
petrooccipital synchondrosis岩枕结合
dilatation fissure膨胀裂隙
dilation fissure膨胀裂隙
earthquake fissure地震裂缝
ectolateral fissure外侧裂, 外侧沟
ectomarginal fissure外缘沟
ectorhinal fissure[医] 外嗅裂(分隔嗅脑与大脑他部的沟)
ectosylvian fissure滑液外裂, 外 Sylvii 沟


1. Aqueous solution existed in the rock fissure, providing routeways to the directional flowage of electriferous ion. (翻译:水溶液在岩石裂隙中的存在,为带电离子定向流动提供了通道。)

2. Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of cerebellomedullary fissure approach to resect the fourth ventricle tumors. (翻译:目的报道经小脑延髓裂入路显微外科手术切除儿童第四脑室肿瘤的临床疗效。)

3. The eruption from the fissure was not the only news, as a river nearby began boiling from the heat of the Earth. (翻译:来自于裂缝的喷发不是唯一的新闻,附近一条河流由于地热开始沸腾。)

4. Conjunctival injury: contusion to the eye, mainly in the palpebral fissure Department of subconjunctival hemorrhage, edema. (翻译:结膜损伤:眼球挫伤使多发于睑裂部的结膜下出血,水肿。)

5. These were mainly in basal cistern, cerebral longitudinal fissure and Sylvian fissure. (翻译:积血主要在基底池、纵裂前上方和侧裂内。)

6. The well completion technology has good water sealing result and helpful in the karstic fissure geothermal water exploitation. (翻译:使用此成井工艺,止水效果良好,达到了开发岩溶裂隙地热水的目的。)

7. Using a laser, Epstein carefully cut along a natural fissure in the cord. The laser's beam cauterized the small vessels as it moved along. (翻译:他使用激光仔细地沿着脊髓的天然裂纹切开,光束边移动边烙着微细血管。)

8. But down below, the magma intrusion was broadening and the pressure was increasing quite dramatically until, all of a sudden, a fissure opened up with the chamber and created a type of thermal drain all the way to the ocean. (翻译:但是,地下的岩浆 重叠起来,压力增高。所有突然爆裂纹 进行的熔岩海。)

9. fisher named fisher failed to fish any fish one Friday afternoon and finally he found a bis fissure in his fishing net. (翻译:某周五的下午,一位叫费舍的芬兰渔民连一条鱼也没有捕到,后来他发现原来渔网破了个大洞。)

10. The eruption of Laki, an Icelandic volcanic fissure, in 1783 sent poisonous gases across Europe. (翻译:比如,xx年冰岛火山拉基开裂释放出的毒气就蔓延全欧洲。)

11. The appearance of large-opened eyes was produced by lengthening the palpebral fissure. (翻译:通过睑裂的增长,可以形成一个大而张开的眼睛外形。)

12. And in that fissure, what you can't see in this image, you'll have to trust me, there is a fibrous sheet of tissue. (翻译:虽然这幅图中看不到 但你得相信我 裂缝中有一层纤维化组织 )

13. Upon working with the plastic, after about the first eight years, some of my work started to fissure and break down into smaller little bits of plastic. (翻译:在与塑料打交道的xx年之后, 我的一些作品开始开裂 碎成许多小塑料块。)

14. When a bone breaks, the fissure also severs the blood vessels running down the length of the bone. (翻译:当一根骨骼断裂时,裂缝也会将流经整根骨头的血管割裂。)

15. Under the effect of geostress, the coal-seam permeability decreases sharply and the fissure gradually tends closed. (翻译:在地应力的作用下,煤储层渗透率急剧下降,裂缝逐渐趋于闭合。)

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