phaeospora nashi hara是什么意思 phaeospora nashi hara的中文翻译、读音、例句

phaeospora nashi hara是什么意思 phaeospora nashi hara的中文翻译、读音、例句

phaeospora nashi hara通常被翻译为"梨白星病菌"的意思,还有梨白星病菌的意思,发音是[phaeosporanashihara],phaeospora nashi hara是一个英语名词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到91个与phaeospora nashi hara相关的句子。

Phaeospora nashi hara的翻译


例句:You mean to say, Katie Scarlett O'Hara, that land doesn't mean anything to you? (爸,你说话像爱尔兰人 身为爱尔兰人我很骄傲)


phaeospora nashi hara一般作为名词使用,如在ocellania nashi hara(梨枝枯病菌)、nashi(日本梨 )、nitschkia phaeospora(暗孢凹球壳菌)等常见短语中出现较多。

ocellania nashi hara梨枝枯病菌
nitschkia phaeospora暗孢凹球壳菌
haraabbr. 双曲绝对风险厌恶(Hyperbolic Absolute Risk Aversion)
stephanitis nashi梨冠网蝽
Hara Alol[地名] 哈拉阿洛勒 ( 吉布 )
Hara Takashi[网络] 原敬
dimeroosporium sasae hara萜类煤病菌
dimerosporium moricolum hara桑树煤病菌之一


1. Did you know, Miss O'Hara that in China, when a murderer introduces himself it means he will kill you? (翻译:大原小姐,你可知道 在中国,凶手如果向你报名 表示他会杀你)

2. Mr. O 'hara: What's your interest in Ashley and. (翻译:奥哈拉:你怎么对希礼和媚兰小姐这么感兴趣。)

3. O'HARA: Has he been trifling with you? Has he asked you to marry him? (翻译:奥哈拉:他有调戏过你吗?他有向你求婚吗?)

4. Conclusion: The results may provide references of the best fractions for collecting the rabdosia rubesens(Henmsl. ) Hara. (翻译:结论:本结果为确定冬凌草的最佳采收部位提供了依据。)

5. And that diet is known as the Hara, Hatchi, Bu diet. (翻译:这种饮食就是周知柯罗,八术门,卜饮食。)

6. Sergeant Hara has advised me to treat the death... as a death in action. (翻译:Hara军士建议过我怎样对待死亡... 就像在战役中死去.)

7. It was a movie about the German occupation of France, starring Maureen O' Hara and Charles Laughton and called This L and Is Mine. (翻译:电影讲的是德国占领时期的法国,由毛琳·奥哈拉和查尔斯·劳顿主演,取名《这片土地是我的》。)

8. Do you think Hara-san, the managing director, could've been working with the men in black? (翻译:原董事跟黑衣人他们是同伙 有没有这个可能)

9. Kisaragi-san has an alibi for Hara-san's murder. (翻译:可是原先生被杀时 如月先生有不在场证明啊)

10. AIM: To study the chemical constituents of Isodon. excia(Maxin. ) Hara in Changbai Mountain. (翻译:前言: 目的:研究长白山地区尾叶香茶菜的化学成分。)

11. Study on the Changes of Polyphenol Oxidase in Soybean Varieties Leaves Infected by Cercospora sojina Hara (翻译:大豆感染灰斑病菌后叶片中多酚氧化酶活性的变化)

12. In the outskirts of Hara in Ethiopia, two clans are coming face to face to battle over a prized resource. (翻译:在埃塞俄比亚哈拉市郊外 两群鬣狗针锋相对 准备争夺宝贵资源)

13. This morning I put my seal on Hara's recommendation. (翻译:今天早上我在Hara军士的建议书上盖了章.)

14. Hara: And you could stay with Melanie and her Aunt Pittypat. (翻译:奥哈拉太太:你可以和梅兰妮,还有她姑妈琵蒂住在一起。)

15. Ironically, Nashi's "godfather" and founder is Vladislav Surkov, Medvedev's own deputy chief of presidential administration. (翻译:具有讽刺意味的是,纳什的“教父”和奠基者正是瓦拉迪斯拉夫.苏日科夫,梅德韦杰夫的副手。)

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