phenospecies是什么意思 phenospecies的中文翻译、读音、例句

phenospecies是什么意思 phenospecies的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:An undiscovered species of bear. (一种从未被发现的一种熊 An undiscovered species of bear.)

例句:Are they all different species? (Are they all different species? Yes. Yes, they are.)


1. When they first opened, they had 8 species. (翻译:当这里刚刚开放时 共有8个物种 When they first opened, they had 8 species.)

2. And in the end, it was these ever-changing savannahs that produced the most adaptable species of all... ourselves. (翻译:it was these ever -changing savannahs 造就了适应力最强的物种 {\3cH202020}that produced the most adaptable species of all...)

3. Taken together, our results suggested that planting Kandelia candel could strengthen the remediation of PHE-contaminated sediment. (翻译:本试验结果表明与无植物对照相比,种植秋茄能促进沉积物中菲的降解。)

4. Our species is nothing, if not adaptive. (翻译:如果不懂得适应环境,人类这个物种就不会存在 Our species is nothing if not adaptive.)

5. He was prepared to destroy his own humanity in order to save the species. (翻译:他为了拯救这个种族 毁灭了自己的人性 He was prepared to destroy his own humanity in order to save the species.)

6. If you could merge with another species, what species would you pick and why? (翻译:如果你能跟别的物种结合 If you could merge with another species, 你会选哪种 原因是什么 what species would you pick and why? 提示 有正确答案的哦 Hint:)

7. - Pick on someone your own species. (翻译:- 找你们中的一个的扔进去吧 - 你想惹我? - Pick on someone your own species.)

8. At the later stage of aging, HPCD extractability of PHE in co-contaminated soil was slightly higher than that in single contaminated soil. (翻译:在老化的后期,复合污染土壤中菲的环糊精法提取率略高于单一污染土壤中菲的提取率。)

9. Species diversity consist of species richness, the total number of species, species evenness, and the distribution of species. (翻译:微生物多样性是指群落中的微生物种群类型和数量、种的丰度和均度以及种的分布情况。)

10. It puzzled Wegener that fossils of the same species of a now-extinct fern were reported to be found on both sides of the Atlantic. (翻译:魏格纳迷惑了 It puzzled Wegener 现在已经灭绝的同种蕨类化石 that fossils of the same species of a now -extinct fern)

11. Our DNA excavators discover new species every year. (翻译:我们的DNA挖掘机每年都会挖掘出新的物种 Our DNA excavators discover new species every year.)

12. - and propagate a new species on earth and take over? (翻译:因为他想,呃,她授精 - and propagate a new species on earth and take over?)

13. [Appiah] I started thinking about the difference between... the context in which we evolved as a species... and the present, you know, in this age of globalization. (翻译:[Appiah] I started thinking about the difference between... 我开始思考关于 the context in which we evolved as a species...)

14. Only a few species were driven to extinction. (翻译:只有很少一部分物种遭到灭绝 Only a few species were driven to extinction.)

15. Over 1800 species worldwide. (翻译:全世界有超过1800种螳螂 Over 1800 species worldwide.)

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