philae是什么意思 philae的中文翻译、读音、例句

philae是什么意思 philae的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:Philae 是一颗彗星着陆器,是欧洲空间局的罗塞塔号任务的一部分。

词性:Philae 是一个专有名词,通常用作单数形式。


1. Philae lander - Philae 着陆器

2. Rosetta spacecraft - Rosetta 航天器

3. Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko - 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 彗星

4. Space exploration - 太空探索

5. Scientific mission - 科学任务


1. 着陆在 Philae 上 - landed on Philae

2. Philae 上的科学任务 - scientific mission on Philae

3. Philae 航天器的任务 - mission of Philae spacecraft

4. Philae 航天器的成功着陆 - successful landing of Philae spacecraft

5. 在 Philae 上进行科学研究 - conduct scientific research on Philae



1. The Philae lander successfully touched down on the surface of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in November 2014.(Philae 着陆器于 2014 年 11 月成功着陆在 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 彗星表面。)

2. The Rosetta spacecraft carried the Philae lander on its scientific mission to study the comet.(Rosetta 航天器携带 Philae 着陆器进行科学任务,研究彗星。)

3. The mission of the Philae spacecraft was to study the surface of the comet and gather data about its composition.(Philae 航天器的任务是研究彗星表面并收集其组成的数据。)

4. The successful landing of the Philae spacecraft on the comet was a major achievement for space exploration.(Philae 航天器在彗星上的成功着陆对太空探索是一个重大的成就。)

5. The data collected by the scientific instruments on board the Philae lander revealed new insights into the history and composition of the comet.(Philae 着陆器上的科学仪器收集的数据揭示了彗星的历史和组成的新见解。)



1. Philae是古埃及时期最重要的宗教中心之一。

Philae was one of the most important religious centers in ancient Egypt.

2. 这个岛屿上的建筑体现了埃及人的宗教信仰和建筑技术。

The buildings on this island reflect the religious beliefs and architectural skills of the ancient Egyptians.

3. Philae岛上的神庙曾多次被洪水淹没,直到20世纪初才被救援。

The temples on Philae Island were flooded several times until they were rescued in the early 20th century.

4. 在Philae上,崇拜伊西斯女神的活动是xx年中最重要的宗教庆典之一。

Worshiping the goddess Isis on Philae was one of the most important religious celebrations of the year.

5. 今天的Philae岛已成为受欢迎的旅游胜地,吸引着来自世界各地的游客。

Today, Philae Island has become a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors from all over the world.

6. 在Philae上发现的文物为我们了解古埃及文化和历史提供重要线索。

The artifacts found on Philae provide important clues for us to understand ancient Egyptian culture and history.

7. Philae岛在19世纪末被发现并被认为是一个重要的考古遗址。

Philae Island was discovered in the late 19th century and was considered an important archaeological site.

8. 为了保护Philae的文化遗产,这个岛被移动到了一个更高的位置。

To protect the cultural heritage of Philae, the island was moved to a higher location.

9. Philae岛上的雕刻和壁画描绘了古埃及神话和传说。

The carvings and murals on Philae Island depict ancient Egyptian myths and legends.


读音:fēi lái


1. 菲莱号是欧洲航天局历史上的伟大成就之一。

Translation: Philae is one of the great achievements in the history of the European Space Agency.

2. 菲莱着陆在彗星上,帮助科学家了解了彗星的组成和特征。

Translation: Philae landed on a comet and helped scientists understand the composition and characteristics of comets.




例句:Rosetta had to turn around to get its cameras to actually look at Philae while it was departing and to be able to communicate with it. (罗塞塔号得转过身, 以便使它的相机在 菲莱飞离的过程中能对着它, 并且能与它进行交流。)


例句:We finally selected the final landing site and the commands were prepared for Rosetta to launch Philae. (我们最终选定了一个登陆点, 并且让罗塞塔号发送菲莱号的 指令也准备好了。)


例句:Entirely surrounded by water, the magnificent temple of Philae was built by Cleopatra's dynasty. (菲莱岛的宏伟的庙宇四面环水,是在克利奥帕特拉在位时期修建的。)


例句:Entirely surrounded by water, the magnificent temple of Philae was built by Cleopatra's dynasty. (翻译:菲莱岛的宏伟的庙宇四面环水,是在克利奥帕特拉在位时期修建的。)





1. Entirely surrounded by water, the magnificent temple of Philae was built by Cleopatra's dynasty. (翻译:菲莱岛的宏伟的庙宇四面环水,是在克利奥帕特拉在位时期修建的。)

2. Entirely surrounded by water, the magnificent temple of Philae was built by Cleopatra's dynasty. (翻译:菲莱岛的宏伟的庙宇四面环水,是在克利奥帕特拉在位时期修建的。)

3. Philae is one of many monuments built after the Macedonian warrior Alexander the Great took control of Egypt about 2, 300 years ago. (翻译:在大约xx年以前,马其顿的勇士亚历山大伟大的占领了埃及。)

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