philosophers是什么意思 philosophers的中文翻译、读音、例句

philosophers是什么意思 philosophers的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 词义及相关词汇

Philosophers (philosopher的复数)是philosopher这个单词的复数形式,其主要指代哲学家。Philosopher一词可以指代研究哲学或者具有哲学思想的人,其来源于古希腊语“philosophos”,意为“爱智慧的人”。其他与philosophers相关的词汇还包括:philosophy(哲学)、philosophical(哲学的)等。

2. 哲学史中的重要哲学家





-康德(Immanuel Kant):18世纪德国哲学家,他的著作《纯粹理性批判》和《实践理性批判》等被认为是现代哲学的里程碑

-尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche):19世纪德国哲学家,他提出的超人理论、意志力等思想,对现代哲学产生了巨大的影响

3. 哲学思想和理论


-Many philosophers believe that the concept of justice is fundamental to human society. (许多哲学家认为,正义概念对人类社会至关重要。)

-Existentialist philosophers explore the deep questions of human existence, such as the meaning of life and the nature of freedom. (存在主义哲学家探索人类存在的深层问题,如生命的意义和自由的本质。)

-The philosopher Descartes is famous for his statement, "I think, therefore I am." (哲学家笛卡尔因其名言“我思故我在”而闻名。)

-One of the key ideas in the philosophy of science is the concept of falsifiability, which was proposed by philosopher Karl Popper. (科学哲学中的一个关键思想是可证伪性概念,这是由哲学家卡尔·波普尔提出的。)

-Political philosophers have debated the nature of justice and the best forms of government for centuries. (政治哲学家们几个世纪以来一直在辩论正义的本质和最佳的政府形式。)


中文翻译:哲学家;读音:zhé xué jiā;例句:Plato and Aristotle were two famous philosophers in ancient Greece.(柏拉图和亚里士多德是古希腊著名的哲学家。)




例句:Jaspers ' own Great Philosophers is a sketchy attempt for such a history. (雅斯贝尔斯的《大哲学家》正是此一理念的提纲挈领似的尝试。)


例句:We’ll study the history, from philosophers John to Jamie Hyneman. (我们将从哲学家约翰·洛克到杰米·海尼曼来研究这段历史。)


例句:A symposium... just like Plato's... with the most distinguished philosophers. (阿研讨会... 就像柏拉图的... 最杰出的 哲学家。)


例句:Starting with Socrates, philosophers have been searching for the eternal verities. (翻译:自苏格拉底以降,哲学家一直在追寻永恒的真理。)


philosophers一般作为名词使用,如在dining philosophers(哲学家晚餐(问题))、existentialist philosophers([网络] 存在主义哲学家\n(existentialist philosopher 的复数))、fire philosophers([网络] 火的哲学家)等常见短语中出现较多。

dining philosophers哲学家晚餐(问题)
existentialist philosophers[网络] 存在主义哲学家\n(existentialist philosopher 的复数)
fire philosophers[网络] 火的哲学家
natural philosophersnatural philosopher\n自然哲学家
philosophers stone点金石(炼金术士所寻求的能使其他金属变成金银的一种实际上不存在的东西)
philosophers' stonen. 点金石,仙石
philosophers' woolun. 氧化锌
dinning philosophers problem哲学家晚餐问题


1. A symposium... just like Plato's... with the most distinguished philosophers. (翻译:阿研讨会... 就像柏拉图的... 最杰出的 哲学家。)

2. Starting with Socrates, philosophers have been searching for the eternal verities. (翻译:自苏格拉底以降,哲学家一直在追寻永恒的真理。)

3. Fichte, Carlyle, and Nietzsche were its philosophers. (翻译:费希特、卡莱尔、尼采是它的哲学家。)

4. Deixis has been of great interest to philosophers, linguists and logicians . (翻译:指示语一直是哲学家、语言学家和逻辑学家感兴趣的话题。)

5. Sir, we philosophers can be content with just a barrel. (翻译:阁下请恕我失礼 请问你知道 住在木桶里的哲学家吗)

6. Fear isn't just an abstract concept for philosophers to expound on. (翻译:恐惧并不只是哲学家们论述的一个抽象的概念。)

7. But Seneca was one of the most famous first century Stoic philosophers. (翻译:塞内加,是一世纪最著名的斯多葛派哲学家之一。)

8. Two breeds of men to be avoided like the pox politicians and philosophers. (翻译:两种人就像瘟疫一样被人们躲着... ...政客同哲学家)

9. And they helpfully recommended a way in which philosophers could explain this miracle - transubstantiation. (翻译:这一神迹被用一种哲学家 的方式来予以解释: 变体说。)

10. Greek philosophers promoted temperance. (翻译:例如,希腊的哲学家们就提倡要节制慎饮。)

11. Her clients are named after existential philosophers. (翻译:她用一群存在主义哲学家的名字给客户命名 Her clients are named after existential philosophers.)

12. But aren't all the philosophers from the same era? (翻译:那些哲学家不都是在同一时代的吗 Tous les philosophes ne sont)

13. And he says, you know, "Philosophers love rational argument." (翻译:他说,你知道,“哲学家热爱合理的论点。” )

14. One regular, an elderly German, always used to quote one of their philosophers: (翻译:一个很正统的穗国老头子 总是引用哲学家的一句话:)

15. Economists, sociologists, moral philosophers have understood that, and we are actively looking for collaboration. (翻译:经济学家、社会学家、 哲学家都理解这一点, 我们正在积极地去寻求合作。)



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