photochromic crystal在英语中代表"光色晶体"的意思,作为名词时有"光色晶体"的意思,在线读音是[photochromiccrystal],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到80个与photochromic crystal相关的句子。
Photochromic crystal的翻译
例句:for cooking and selling crystal meth. (琌㎝瑀珇ユΤ闽... 籹㎝砪芥瑀)
photochromic crystal一般作为名词使用,如在photochromic(a. 对光反应变色的, 彩色照片的)、photochromic composite(光致变色复合材)、photochromic compound([机] 光色化合物)等常见短语中出现较多。
photochromic | a. 对光反应变色的, 彩色照片的 |
photochromic composite | 光致变色复合材 |
photochromic compound | [机] 光色化合物 |
photochromic dye | 光致变色染料 |
photochromic dyes | [染料] 光致变色染料 |
photochromic effect | 光色效应 |
photochromic fibre | 光致变色纤维 |
photochromic film | 彩色(照相)软片 |
photochromic filter | 光致变色滤光器 |
1. A new type of crystalline material produced by mixing scintillation crystal into cerium vanadates crystal . (翻译:一种新型闪烁晶体掺铈钒酸盐晶体材料涉及晶体材料制备领域。)
2. He says he kept seeing Crystal because he felt she got dependent on him. (翻译:他一直和Crystal在一起 是因为觉得她很依赖他)
3. Crystal and Ligia are upset. (翻译:克莉丝特和莉琪亚感到沮丧。)
4. You told Curtis that Crystal wanted to talk to him about DeAndre, so he came here. (翻译:你和Curtis说Crystal想 和他聊下DeAndre的事 所以他就过来了)
5. (Woman) Hey, ladies. Welcome to Crystal Lounge. (翻译:嗨,欢迎光临Crystal Lounge)
6. - Oh, I was told to ask for Crystal Allen. (翻译:- 噢 我听说有问题要找Crystal Allen)
7. Trowelling epoxy crystal powder putty; (翻译:刮涂环氧石英粉腻子; )
8. Crystal. Crystal, I know I don't sound like your dad, but I am. (翻译:克里丝多 克里丝多 我知道我听来不像你爸 是)
9. Crystal, I did what you told me. I played hard to get. (翻译:Crystal, 我按你说的做了 我尽量装出那个样子)
10. And when, onscreen, Crystal got breast cancer, 75,000 more young women went to have mammographies done. (翻译:当屏幕上的Crystal患上了乳腺癌, 有七万五千新增的年轻女性去做了早期胸部肿瘤X射线照相。)
11. - Come on, Crystal. I made another mistake. (翻译:- 走吧, Crystal 我犯了又一个错误)
12. Well, that was awkward. You don't still see Crystal, do you? (翻译:好吧 事情有点糟 你没再见Crystal了 对吧?)
13. In VGF crystal growth procedure, the crystal growth rate depended on the temperature at control point and the cooling rate. (翻译:VGF技术生长晶体时,晶体的生长速率主要取决于控温点的温度及降温速率。)
14. Segregated solutes and inclusions are distributed at the transition boundary of the column crystal and the equiaxial crystal. (翻译:在柱状晶与等轴晶过渡区中存在着偏聚物。)
15. Over the years I have been a Amoy crystal, I know this world there are countless colorful crystal. (翻译:这些年来我一直是一位淘晶者,我知道这世界上有无数色彩缤纷的水晶。)