1. 定义:Photobucket是一个在线图像和视频托管网站,用户可以上传自己的照片和视频,分享给其他人或在其他网站上使用。
2. 历史:Photobucket成立于xx年,总部位于美国科罗拉多州,最初是一个独立的图片托管网站,在发展过程中逐渐扩展到视频领域,并于xx年被News Corp.收购。
3. 特点:Photobucket提供了一个方便易用的平台,用户可以轻松上传和管理自己的图像和视频,并在需要的时候在其他网站上使用。
4. 应用场景:Photobucket主要被用于个人和商业用途,例如在社交媒体上分享个人照片和视频,或在商业网站上展示产品图片和宣传视频等。
1. I uploaded my vacation photos to Photobucket to share with my friends.
2. Many bloggers use Photobucket to host their images and videos.
3. The company's product page features high-quality images hosted on Photobucket.
4. You can easily embed a Photobucket slideshow on your website.
5. With Photobucket's mobile app, you can upload and share photos on the go.
Translation: Photobucket is a website for sharing and hosting photos.
Pinyin: [fóu tūo bǎo kè tī]
Example sentence: I like to use Photobucket to share my photos.
例句:Charlie Bucket was the luckiest boy in the entire world. (查理巴格特 是全世界最幸运的小男孩 Charlie Bucket was the luckiest boy in the entire world.)
例句:And the bucket brought me here ls that a "mission"? (是木桶带我到这里来的 这算不算是目的呢?)
例句:We let the bucket down by a rope. (我们用绳子把吊桶放下去。)
例句:For example, myfavorite-. bucket. com is invalid. (翻译:例如,myfavorite-.bucket.com是无效的。)
1. We let the bucket down by a rope. (翻译:我们用绳子把吊桶放下去。)
2. For example, myfavorite-. bucket. com is invalid. (翻译:例如,myfavorite-.bucket.com是无效的。)
3. I don't want a picture of me marrying ketchups. (翻译:听着 留着你的照片吧 Look, keep the photo.)
4. Get your bucket and go to your Captain! (翻译:拿着你的水桶去你上尉那儿! Get your bucket and go to your Captain!)
5. Other histograms can be captured, allowing you to define the bucket sizes. (翻译:还可以步骤其他柱状图,从而使您能够定义bucket的大小。)
6. That bucket of neuroses inebriation-style. (翻译:{\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}你用酒医治你的神经妄想症 {\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}that bucket of neuroses inebriation)
7. Tell that to the bucket we have to bring! (翻译:这话你跟我们带的桶说去吧 Tell that to the bucket we have to bring!)
8. The calf lapped up the bucket of milk. (翻译:牛犊把那桶牛奶津津有味地喝光了。)
9. By the way, act now and you get a free Chum Bucket bucket helmet with every purchase. (翻译:另外,现在购买一个美味蟹堡 就能免费获得海之霸头盔 拿着)
10. Remove bucket and switching tappets. (翻译:拆下筒式挺杆和切换挺杆。)
11. Valuables in the bucket, lads! (翻译:法国 xx年 索姆河 值钱的都放进桶里,小伙子们!)
12. Will use recursion to acquire the lock on each bucket and rehash the elements from each bucket into a new, larger hash table. (翻译:就使用递归获取每个bucket上的锁并重排每个bucket中的元素到一个新的、更大的hash表中。)
13. Yes, and do you know why I have this bucket? (翻译:是的, 你知道为什么有这个桶? Yes, and do you know why i have this bucket?)
14. I mean, a hagfish can produce enough mucus to fill a bucket in a minute. (翻译:I mean, a hagfish can produce 瞬间就能制造一桶黏液哦 enough mucus to fill a bucket in a minute.)
15. When it's off, they're not. (翻译:这张照片是你们行动前一天拍的 This photo was taken the day of your raid.)