例句:-We could get damaging winds.... -Four times 10 equals-- (可能会出现有破坏性的大风 四乘以十等于...)
例句:Anything that damaging, Woodward will keep close. (对他不利的文件 渥伍一定会带在身上 我不知道你要如何办到?)
1. I don't want a picture of me marrying ketchups. (翻译:听着 留着你的照片吧 Look, keep the photo.)
2. Well, be that as it may, any publicity would bevery damaging. (翻译:如果是这样 Well, be that as it may, 任何宣传都危险了 any publicity would bevery damaging.)
3. One way to look at ageing is to think of it as rusting, or oxidising, a damaging process. (翻译:我们可以把老化现象想成是身体生锈氧化的损伤过程。)
4. The indiscriminate use of fertilizers is damaging to the environment. (翻译:化肥的滥用化正在损害环境。)
5. But if I do, she'll have no knowledge of anything damaging. (翻译:但如果非找不可 她不会知道 任何会给您带来伤害的事情)
6. The broadscale cutting down of trees is damaging the environment. (翻译:对树木的大规模砍伐正在破坏环境。)
7. Aspirin has the side effect of damaging stomach lining but panadol will not. (翻译:阿士匹灵的副作用是会损害胃壁,但必理痛不会。)
8. That could have been very damaging to us. (翻译:她本来是我们很大的威胁 没觉得这是一场胜仗)
9. So the first sign of a test tube, complain about damaging the note... (翻译:一见到有试管之类的东西 马上说怀疑这钞票是假的)
10. No, it was because the Vanessa Perroncel affair was just one of a number of damaging headlines. (翻译:而是佩罗西尔事件才是真正危险的头条。)
11. Are you damaging the bones? (翻译:- 你是在破坏骨头吗 - 就一点点 这已不可避免)
12. The surprise was that the bursting of the bubble would be so damaging. (翻译:令人吃惊的是泡沫的破灭竟然会具有如此破坏性。)
13. Sir, if we go to warp, we run the risk of seriously damaging the core! (翻译:螒谓 蚃蠉纬慰?渭蔚, 蚁喂蟽魏维蚁慰?渭蔚 渭蔚纬维位畏 尾位维尾畏 蟽蟿慰 蟽魏维蚃慰蟼.)
14. Well, isn't it true that Elvatyl is known to have numerous damaging side effects? (翻译:如今已知Elvatylis有许多 破坏性的副作用 是吗)
15. The transmission spectra indicate that the NBW crystal has a strong antiradiation damaging feature. (翻译:光透射测试结果表明了NBW晶体的抗辐照损伤能力强; )