photoconductor diode是什么意思 photoconductor diode的中文翻译、读音、例句

photoconductor diode是什么意思 photoconductor diode的中文翻译、读音、例句

photoconductor diode的意思是"电",其次还有"光电二极管"的意思,在线发音:[photoconductordiode],photoconductor diode在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到24个与photoconductor diode相关的句子。

Photoconductor diode的翻译


例句:The transistor gate has a distinct advantage over the diode gate in that the transistor amplifies, as well as acts as a gate. (晶体管门电路比起二极管门电路来有一个显著的优点,那就是晶体管除了起门的作用外还能够放大。)


例句:No external sense resistor is needed, and no blocking diode is required due to the internal MOSFET architecture. (由于采用了内部MOSFET架构,所以不需要外部检测电阻器和隔离二极管。)


photoconductor diode一般作为名词使用,如在photoconductor(光电导体 )、extrinsic photoconductor(非本征光敏电阻;非本征控测器[光电导体])、film photoconductor(薄膜光电导体)等常见短语中出现较多。

extrinsic photoconductor非本征光敏电阻;非本征控测器[光电导体]
film photoconductor薄膜光电导体
germanium photoconductor锗光电导体
idiochromatic photoconductor本质光电导体
impurity photoconductor杂质光电导体
infrared photoconductor[电] 红外线光电导体
multielement photoconductor多元光电导体[光敏电阻];多元红外探测器
organic photoconductor有机光电导体


1. a control port of the central controller is connected with a dust aspirator, a light-emitting diode; (翻译:中央控制器控制接口连有吸尘器、发光二极管;)

2. He just implanted a radium diode. (翻译:他植入一个镭两极真空管 别担心 , 很安全)

3. The company produces and manages products such as electric capacity, resistance, diode, triode, etc, professionally. (翻译:公司专业生产经营电容、电阻、二、三极管、集成电路等产品。)

4. when the supply voltage is supplied to it, an equivalent PN diode structure in it acts, thus able to avoid the dead lock phenomenon. (翻译:当该电源电压供应至该静电放电装置时,其具有等效PN二极管结构,因此可以避免静电放电装置的锁死现象。)

5. A diode or argon laser was used to vaporize areas of hypertrophic mucosa and submucosa along the cartilaginous eustachian tube. (翻译:用二极管或氩激光沿软骨性咽鼓管汽化肥厚的粘膜和粘膜下层。)

6. A series diode, or two diodes in parallel back-to-back, can serve as a useful alternative to a series resistor for this purpose. (翻译:串入一个二极管或两个反向并联的二极管可以作为一种有用的替代方法,起上述串联电阻的作用。)

7. Spin-on platinum diffusion was used to introduce recombination center in order to reduce the reverse recovery time TRR of fast recovery diode. (翻译:采用直拉单晶硅片代替成本较高的外延硅片,采取铂扩散的方法引入复合中心,从而控制少子寿命以减少快恢复二极管的反向恢复时间。)

8. A diode is a device which only allows current to flow in one direction. (翻译:二极管是一种只允许电流单向流动的元件。)

9. A new PSPICE subcircuit model of power PIN diode is developed. (翻译:提出了一种PIN二极管的PSPICE子电路模型。)

10. It goes through a slot with a diode. (翻译:它通过有二极管的凹槽。)

11. In sinusoidal phase modulating laser diode interferometer, the main error source is the variation in output light intensity of light source. (翻译:在半导体激光正弦相位调制干涉仪中,光源输出光强的变化是测量误差的主要来源。)

12. The semiconductor junction diode comprises silicon, the silicon crystallized in contact with a silicide. (翻译:半导体结型二极管包括硅,所述硅与硅化物相接触时结晶化。)

13. In addition, the influence of the equivalent inductance, the equivalent resistance and time-jitters of the diode on the residual waveform of a half sinewave with attenuation is discussed. (翻译:还定量讨论了支配半个衰减正弦波残存波的等效电感、等效电阻和高压硅堆导通时间抖动的影响。)

14. The reverse recovery properties of the freewheel diode are also distinctly improved. (翻译:续流二极管的反向恢复特性也得到了明显改善。)

15. To deal with this problem, Dr Novack and his collaborators are trying to embed a nanoscopic diode into the antennae. (翻译:为解决这个问题,诺瓦克博士与他的同事们正在试验在纳米天线中嵌入一个纳米级别的二极管。)

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