1. Photooptics is an important field of study in the world of optics.
2. The invention of digital cameras has revolutionized the field of photooptics.
3. Many university courses offer specialized studies in photooptics.
4. The development of photooptics has greatly improved the quality of images captured in photography.
5. Experts in photooptics often work in industries related to photography and imaging.
6. The field of photooptics has expanded rapidly with the advent of new technologies.
7. Photooptics plays a crucial role in the development of medical imaging equipment.
例句:So, we modified the optics of the camera in order to mimic the baby's visual acuity. (于是我们改装了摄像机镜头 用于模仿小婴儿的视觉精度 )
1. The microlens arrays are the important kind of micro-optics elements. (翻译:微透镜阵列就是其中一种重要的微光学元件。)
2. Optics is a basic course in physics and a required course of physics following mechanics, calorifics , and electromagnetics. (翻译:光学是继力学、热学、电磁学之后的第四门物理学的专业基础课,是物理学科学生的一门必修课。)
3. If such materials became generally available to the optics industry the payoffs from such a breakthrough would be enormous. (翻译:如果此类材料能够普遍用于光学产业,这一突破带来的收益将是巨大的。)
4. But when the Berlin Wall came down, my war was over. So I went into the private sector like everybody else in the '90s, only not for a dot-com, doing data compression for fiber optics. (翻译:my war was over. 我为光纤传输做数据压缩 {\3cH202020}doing data compression for fiber optics.)
5. Fog lamps and headlamps feature jewel-like optics. (翻译:雾灯和前灯宝石等光学特性。)
6. Study of Finite Aperture Effect on Lens Made of LHM by Geometrical Optics (翻译:从几何光学研究负折射率透镜的有限尺寸效应)
7. Aizenberg says the lens array may help scientists improve tecnology such as fiber optics. (翻译:艾泽恩伯格认为这种透镜阵列有助于科学家改进相关技术,诸如光导纤维。)
8. In the beginning you see the ants just kind of engaging with the fiber optics microscope. (翻译:一开始你可以看到蚂蚁们 似乎在玩光纤显微镜,)
9. Aizenberg says the lens array may help scientists improve tecnology such as fiber optics. (翻译:艾泽·恩伯格认为这种透镜阵列有助于科学家改进相关技术,诸如光导纤维。)
10. Thanks to fibre optics, it is now possible to illuminate many of the body's remotest organs and darkest orifices. (翻译:多亏有了光纤,如今才能够照见人体中许多最微小的器官和最暗的腔体。)
11. A problem with Geometrical optics approximation is that the asymptotic solution is invalid at caustics. (翻译:几何光学近似存在一个问题,即这种渐近解在焦散点附近是不正确的。)
12. So, we modified the optics of the camera in order to mimic the baby's visual acuity. (翻译:于是我们改装了摄像机镜头 用于模仿小婴儿的视觉精度)
13. Plus, the optics are a million times better. (翻译:另外 这里的影响也要好上一万倍 Plus, the optics are a million times better.)
14. Study on Electron Optics System of Multi-beam Klystron with PRPM Focusing (翻译:PRPM聚焦多注速调管电子光学系统的研究)
15. In the beginning you see the ants just kind of engaging with the fiber optics microscope. (翻译:一开始你可以看到蚂蚁们 似乎在玩光纤显微镜, )