phthisics是什么意思 phthisics的中文翻译、读音、例句

phthisics是什么意思 phthisics的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Formally stating conformance with bi-ics. (用BI - ICS在形式上声明一致性。)


例句:(Laughter) And you flip it over, and it's the amino acids with the pH at which they have different charges. (把它翻过来,是带有PH值的氨基酸 不同的PH值下带有不同的电荷。)


例句:If there are any limits on PH and GH, then PH amount will get smaller. Accordingly, we will be paying old mavro debts longer. (如果我们对提供帮助,得到帮助设限,则提供订单的量将减少,这样的话,偿还旧马夫罗的时间就会更长。)


1. If there are any limits on PH and GH, then PH amount will get smaller. Accordingly, we will be paying old mavro debts longer. (翻译:如果我们对提供帮助,得到帮助设限,则提供订单的量将减少,这样的话,偿还旧马夫罗的时间就会更长。)

2. Effect of pH on nodulation of soybean rhizobia from Weifang and Huayuankou soils. (翻译:pH对土壤中土著快、慢生大豆根瘤菌结瘤的影响。)

3. It needs to be around 7.5, the same pH as human tears. (翻译:它需要约7.5, 相同pH值的人的眼泪。)

4. Ph. D., electrical engineering, Caltech. (翻译:两年来他一直是Graiman博士的助理研究员)

5. TOKO performs matching evaluation for all types of ICs. (翻译:东光株式会社为所有类型的IC进行匹配评估。)

6. I know this because we were measuring the pH when this picture was taken. (翻译:拍这张照片的时候 我们正在测试pH值。)

7. They were placed in seawater at a pH we're expecting by the year 2100. (翻译:它们被放在我们预测 xx年会达到的pH值的海水中。)

8. Effect of pH Value on the Deficiency of Iron of Orange Trees on Carrizo Rootstock (翻译:土壤pH值对卡里佐枳橙砧甜橙缺铁程度的影响)

9. No measurable radiation, no bios, zero toxicity, pH normal. (翻译:没有衡量的辐射,没有任何的BIOS , 零毒性, pH值正常。)

10. Speedy comfort balance skin PH, shrink pore, availability intercede skin enginery . (翻译:可迅速舒缓平衡肌肤PH值,收缩毛孔,有效调解肌肤机能。)

11. A Study on Antibacterial Activity of Propolis Against Micrococcus lysodeikticus in Different pH (翻译:河南蜂胶对溶壁微球菌不同pH抑菌作用研究)

12. ♪ phresh out the runway, ph-phresh out the runway ♪ (翻译:♪ Phresh out the runway ♪)

13. TOKO performs matching evaluation for all types of ICs. (翻译:东光株式会社为所有类型的IC进行匹配评估。)

14. No? If the pH is alkali, that could indicate the presence of... (翻译:不 如果PH值呈碱性 说明很可能是...)

15. ROGER PAYNE, PH.D. Ocean Alliance (翻译:罗杰·佩恩 最终,数量减少到330头,是原来的1%)

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