phthalysulfathiazole是什么意思 phthalysulfathiazole的中文翻译、读音、例句

phthalysulfathiazole是什么意思 phthalysulfathiazole的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:And you flip it over, and it's the amino acids with the PH at which they have different charges. (把它翻过来,是带有PH值的氨基酸 不同的PH值下带有不同的电荷。)





1. ♪ her daddy was a mean ole mister ♪ (翻译:♪Her daddy was a mean old mister♪)

2. pH And if I change the pH and I've got a molecule that I'm interested in, it may not have an acidic moiety on it, but it could still care what the pH is, slightly. (翻译:如果我改变,得到我感兴趣的分子,或许就没有酸性的那一部分,但是仍然会考虑pH的影响或许很小。)

3. And different pH values in the fermenter culture conditions, the EPS found in the pH 5 the highest biological activity. (翻译:而在控不同pH值发酵槽条件下培养,发现于pH5的多糖其生物活性最高。)

4. I was like that in 7th grade (翻译:我则像xx年级的大姐姐 I was like that in 7th grade)

5. Deathmare might be the most hatful and deadly design by Az. (翻译:死魇可能是阿兹最致命、最令人厌恶的创作。)

6. So that th-the mistakes that I made with you... (翻译:What could I do better so that th -the mistakes that I made with you...)

7. Control was used to add insertable OLE objects to your forms. (翻译:控件用于向窗体中添加可插入的OLE对象。)

8. And before that, I was over here with the 75th. (翻译:在那之前 我在这边的七十五分局 And before that, I was over here with the 75th.)

9. Fath actually means surrender and commitment to the claims of Christ. (翻译:信仰的意思其实就是向基督的声明降服与委身。)

10. Dear, my heart fell in pieces aly, I can not find the strong reason. (翻译:亲爱的,我的心一次次的破碎了,我找不到坚强的理由。)

11. Fath noted that, Falling costs for crystalline cells are raising the benchmark higher. (翻译:法特指出,降成本结晶细胞是提高基准更高。)

12. The German project architect, working on site, is Ole Scheeren. (翻译:在现场工作的这位德国工程建筑师是Ole Sche。)

13. I mean, you wanna top it on the 10th, yeah? (翻译:你想十号冲顶 是吧? I mean, you wanna top it on the 10th, yeah?)

14. Okay, I need you to be at Amelia Street between 18th and 19th in 90 seconds. (翻译:Okay, I need you to be at Amelia Street between 18th and 19th in 90 seconds.)

15. Ole Miss Rebel Rouser. editor. (翻译:Ole Miss Rebel Rousert 任编辑)

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