phyllosticta corchori是什么意思 phyllosticta corchori的中文翻译、读音、例句

phyllosticta corchori是什么意思 phyllosticta corchori的中文翻译、读音、例句

phyllosticta corchori在英语中代表"黄麻叶点霉"的意思,在日常中也代表"黄麻叶点霉"的意思,单词读音音标为[phyllostictacorchori],phyllosticta corchori在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到18个与phyllosticta corchori相关的例句。

Phyllosticta corchori的词典翻译


例句:I was just trying to return some lost property. (I was just trying to return some lost property.)


phyllosticta corchori一般作为名词使用,如在phyllosticta corchori sawada(黄麻斑点病菌)、helminthosporium corchori(黄麻长蠕孢霉)、phoma corchori(黄麻茎点霉菌)等常见短语中出现较多。

phyllosticta corchori sawada黄麻斑点病菌
helminthosporium corchori黄麻长蠕孢霉
phoma corchori黄麻茎点霉菌
macrophoma corchori saw黄麻立枯病菌
phyllosticta agaves龙舌兰叶点霉
phyllosticta ambrosioidis臭杏叶点霉
phyllosticta amorphophalli蒟蒻叶点霉
phyllosticta ananassae凤梨叶点霉
phyllosticta boehmeriae苎麻叶点霉


1. So i lost my right hand, too. (翻译:我连搭档都没了 so I lost my right hand, too.)

2. Has everyone lost their mind? (翻译:大家都疯了吗? I am... Has everyone lost their mind?)

3. look, I tell them I lost it in battle, all they want to do is wrap their patriotic lips around it. (翻译:look, I tell them I lost it in battle, all they want to do is wrap their patriotic lips around it.)

4. ♪ I lost you somewhere in the crowd (翻译:# I lost you somewhere in the crowd)

5. town I get lost, I forget, neglect me ... abandonedme. (翻译:I get lost I forget neglect me abandoned me)

6. ♪ I messed up tonight I lost another fight ♪ (翻译:♪ I messed up tonight I lost another fight ♪ ♪ 今晚我搞砸了,又再一次落败 ♪)

7. But the day I lost my little girl -- (翻译:但当我送走我小女儿时 But the day I lost my little girl --)

8. I got lost ... to good kind of lost! (翻译:我迷失了 向好的方向迷失了! {\fnComic Sans MS\fscx50\fscy50}I got lost ... to good kind of lost!)

9. I was only supposed to go a couple blocks, and then I got lost when the cops started chasing me. (翻译:and then I got lost when the cops started chasing me.)

10. ♪ I lost myself in a familiar song ♪ (翻译:# 沉浸在熟悉的歌声里 # # I lost myself in a familiar song #)

11. Ha ha ha! THIBAULT: I am not Lancelot. (翻译:I lost Thibault because he was looking for a wizard.)

12. I still get lost, but I want to see everything. (翻译:我还是会迷路 每个景点都想去看看 I still get lost, but I want to see everything.)

13. I was heading towards market, but I seem to have lost my way. (翻译:我要去集市 I was heading towards market, 但是我好像迷路了 but I seem to have lost my way.)

14. I am the pint-sized protector Of this lost world (翻译:# 守护一切宝贝 # # I am the pint -sized protector of this lost world #)

15. - I lost track of it somewhere in... (翻译:- 我追踪到... - 到英国就找不到了 - I lost track of it somewhere in...)

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