phylogenetic classification在英语中代表"系谱分类"的意思,还经常被翻译为系谱分类,发音是[phylogeneticclassification],phylogenetic classification是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到33个与phylogenetic classification相关的句子。
Phylogenetic classification的翻译
例句:Study on the phylogenetic relationship of Cyprinidae based on the distributions of intestinal bacteria and DNA sequence data (利用肠道菌群的分布和DNA序列对鲤科鱼类系统演化关系的研究)
phylogenetic classification一般作为名词使用,如在phylogenetic(种系发生的 )、phylogenetic activities(先天本能动作)、phylogenetic allometry(系统发生相对成长)等常见短语中出现较多。
phylogenetic | 种系发生的 |
phylogenetic activities | 先天本能动作 |
phylogenetic allometry | 系统发生相对成长 |
phylogenetic anatomy | 系统解剖学 |
phylogenetic botany | 植物系统学 |
phylogenetic bracketing | 亲缘包围[法] |
phylogenetic character | 系统性状 |
phylogenetic chart | 系统发生图 |
phylogenetic degeneratiaon | 系统发育退化 |
1. We unexpectedly found that there were two divergent clades in the mealybug species, P. solenopsis, based on the phylogenetic tree. (翻译:系统发育树表明该物种存在两个遗传支系,即海南支系与佛罗里达支系;)
2. However, 16s rRNA-based phylogenetic trees are increasingly leading to advances in medicine, primarily in two ways. (翻译:不过基于16s rRNA序列的分类树却对医学的贡献越来越大,主要体现在两个方面。)
3. Molecular phylogenetic studies indicated that genera of Phasianidae originated mainly in Pliocene. (翻译:分子进化的研究表明雉科各属的起源主要集中在上新世。)
4. The rapid development of cladistic approach has motivated the proposal of the phylogenetic species concept. (翻译:分支学派的兴起,推动了系统发育种概念的提出。)
5. ITS pseudogene has been detected in the genus of Quercus l. And misled the phylogenetic reconstruction, which made this genus frequently focused in the related studies. (翻译:在诸多应用its序列重建系统进化关系的研究中,栎属系统学研究因its假基因的发现而倍受关注。)
7. To study the phylogenetic status of some group from the view of lineage and stem species is helpful to integrate the knowledge about both of the anagenesis and the cladogenesis. (翻译:以支系和进化主干的视角看待某一类群的系统发育地位更有利于将前进进化与分支进化的认识相结合。)
8. Defensive Glands Characters of 31 Genera-darkling Beetles and Their Phylogenetic Relationships (翻译:31属拟步甲的防御腺特征与系统发育关系初析)
9. Reconstruction of phylogenetic tree of organisms is one of the most important problems in evolution study. (翻译:重建系统演化树是进化研究的一个极为重要的方面。)
10. Phylogenetic relationships among Fortunella and its relatives as revealed by SSR markers (翻译:金柑属及其近缘属植物亲缘关系的SSR分析)
11. He is the 4th generation of a super-oppressed family! (翻译:他的成份那好极了 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}His classification is fantastic)
12. Objective To identify the molecular biological characteristics and to study the phylogenetic evolution of Hantavirus isolated from Apodemus peninsulae in Jilin, China. (翻译:目的研究吉林省疫区大林姬鼠中携带的汉坦病毒的分子生物学特征,并探讨其分子进化规律。)
13. Using single genes as phylogenetic markers, it is difficult to trace organismal phylogeny in the presence of HGT . (翻译:使用单基因作为系统发育的标记,在有水平基因转移存在的情况下很难追查生物的系统发育。)
14. These results suggest that AFLP technique can, be used to reveal the genetic background and phylogenetic relationship of tobacco germplasm. (翻译:初步研究表明,AFLP标记技术能较好地从分子水平揭示烟草种质资源的遗传背景和亲缘关系。)
15. Yet, the phylogenetic relationships among major groups of Squamata remain controversial up to now. (翻译:但到目前为止有鳞目内部的系统发生关系一直存在许多争议。)