physarales是什么意思 physarales的中文翻译、读音、例句

physarales是什么意思 physarales的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Sara hurries to leave the infirmary. (Sara匆匆地离开医务室。)





1. (Laughter) And you flip it over, and it's the amino acids with the pH at which they have different charges. (翻译:把它翻过来,是带有PH值的氨基酸 不同的PH值下带有不同的电荷。)

2. theta, y=1, else y=0. (翻译:当 a >=theta 时 y=1,反之 y=0。)

3. Why don't you have Sara Alcott get it for you? (翻译:你怎么不叫Sara Alcott给你拿? !)

4. And different pH values in the fermenter culture conditions, the EPS found in the pH 5 the highest biological activity. (翻译:而在控不同pH值发酵槽条件下培养,发现于pH5的多糖其生物活性最高。)

5. Pipi, nightmares ... And you? (翻译:管他们上厕所 做噩梦时安抚他们 les pipis, les cauchemars...)

6. Sara. Did Ozzy,uh,say anything about collecting dead bodies? (翻译:Sara 那个Ozzy有没有提过收集尸体?)

7. But believe me, Sara is our top priority. (翻译:Sara is our top priority.)

8. The problems of the children, the tears, the ailments, anything. (翻译:孩子的问题 伤痛 泪水 全部 les problèmes des enfants, les bobos, les larmes, tout.)

9. Trish, this is Joe and Sara. (翻译:Trish, 这是Joe和Sara. 嗨)

10. Sara Tancredi just booked a one- way ticket across the country. (翻译:Sara Tancredi刚订了张单程机票)

11. This took her a long time, maybe it's too long. (翻译:-être un jour y a trop. 在这期间 父亲的理由 Entre temps, les arguments maintenus de mon père)

12. Rodeen elzcalo, ysuban hacia la azotea y esperenme. (翻译:Rodeen el zócalo, y suban hacia la azotea y espérenme,)

13. ♪ ph-phresh out, ph-phresh out the runway. ♪ (翻译:♪ Phresh out the runway ♪ ♪ Phresh out, phresh out the runway ♪ ♪ I hear you walk ♪)

14. And I'll be singing Brave by Sara Bareilles. (翻译:我会唱Sara Bareilles的《Brave》)

15. Oh, listen to Sara go off about Olivia. (翻译:Oh, listen to Sara go off about Olivia. 听听Sara抱怨Olivia)

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