physical yield limit是什么意思 physical yield limit的中文翻译、读音、例句

physical yield limit是什么意思 physical yield limit的中文翻译、读音、例句

physical yield limit通常被翻译为"实际出水量上限"的意思,还有实际出水量上限的意思,在线读音是[physicalyieldlimit],physical yield limit是一个英语名词,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到59个与physical yield limit相关的句子。

Physical yield limit的词典翻译


例句:I had you on the naughty side of the speed limit. (我觉得你超速了 I had you on the naughty side of the speed limit.)


physical yield limit一般作为名词使用,如在yield limit([化] 屈服极限)、fatigue yield limit(疲劳屈服极限)、membrane yield limit(膜屈服限度)等常见短语中出现较多。

yield limit[化] 屈服极限
fatigue yield limit疲劳屈服极限
membrane yield limit膜屈服限度
time yield limit久延伸极限
physical plastic limit物理塑限
to yield[网络] 屈服;让步;产出
yield to让步于,屈服于,向…投降


1. Of physical evidence at every turn. (翻译:呈现的物证 Of physical evidence at every turn.)

2. Sky is the limit And I just wanna flow (翻译:以天为界限 我要四处飘流 Sky is the limit And I just wanna flow)

3. But be warned, it does get physical. (翻译:但先警告你 会有肢体接触 But be warned, it does get physical.)

4. Physical or mental harm, Goro Stephen ETA has never yield to evil forces. (翻译:身心受创,戈罗斯蒂埃塔却绝不向恶势力屈服。)

5. I understand perfectly, but 30 is our limit. (翻译:我非常清楚 但三万是我的底线 I understand perfectly, but 30 is our limit.)

6. And I yield, to the wishes of the people. (翻译:我服从全体公民的志愿 And I yield, to the wishes of the people.)

7. I cannot play sports or do physical activities, but I have been able to take interest in things that progeria, luckily, does not limit. (翻译:我不能运动,不能参加体育活动。还能对事物保持兴趣, 很幸运,早衰症没有限制这个。)

8. So, is there any physical contact with the, um ...? (翻译:那 有没有过身体接触了 So, is there any physical contact with the, um ... ?)

9. There was blood in his car, in his driveway. (翻译:实物证据的数量多得惊人 The amount of physical evidence is overwhelming.)

10. It's hard to do in animals that run around, and there is a physical limit to the number of wires that can be inserted simultaneously. (翻译:这样的设计也难于在移动的动物身上实践。当中亦有物理上的限制 只有有限数量的电线 能够同时安插在脑部。)

11. To ensure N available from BNF does not limit legume yield, many farmers inoculate their crops with rhizobia . (翻译:为确保来自生物固氮的有效氮不限制豆科作物的产量,许多农民用根瘤菌接种他们的作物。)

12. Please limit our interaction. (翻译:请不要与我交流 Please limit our interaction.)

13. I mean, I get that she has physical attributes that are prized by (翻译:I get that she has physical attributes that are prized by...)

14. Damned if I yield at the end of the chase! (翻译:可恶 我竟在追捕的最后屈服 Damned if I yield at the end of the chase!)

15. When the limit of n is infinity, n... sigma k is 1. (翻译:limit n为无穷大时 n 西格码 k是1)

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