pilos deer horn是什么意思 pilos deer horn的中文翻译、读音、例句

pilos deer horn是什么意思 pilos deer horn的中文翻译、读音、例句

pilos deer horn在中文中有"化"的意思,在英美地区还有"鹿茸"的意思,发音音标为[pilosdeerhorn],pilos deer horn来源于英语,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到12个与pilos deer horn相关的句子。

Pilos deer horn的词典翻译


例句:- Can I take that for you? ([Horn Honks Twice] [Horn Honks])


例句:Vesuvius is not Cere's Horn, offering endless bounty. (维苏威山是不Cere的喇叭, ofring无尽的赏金。)


pilos deer horn一般作为名词使用,如在deer horn(鹿角,鹿茸)、pilos([网络] 皮罗斯;皮诺斯)、pilos antler([化] 鹿茸)等常见短语中出现较多。

deer horn鹿角,鹿茸
pilos[网络] 皮罗斯;皮诺斯
pilos antler[化] 鹿茸
horn in闯入
no horn禁止鸣喇叭
the horn[网络] 号角;角端
ghost deer[网络] 鬼鹿;雄鹿之魂
gigantic deer巨角鹿


1. You scavenger! (Horn blares) (Horn blares) (翻译:奸商! 别担心 我们会处理好晾衣绳事宜的)

2. The storms had abated by the time they rounded Cape Horn. (翻译:暴风在他们绕过好望角时已经减弱了。)

3. Samwell Tarly, of Horn Hill-- I mean, I was of Horn Hill. (翻译:山姆威尔塔利, Samwell Tarly, 来自角陵家族 -)

4. ...Horn Concerto in E-flat K-447. (翻译:...降 E 调, 小号协奏曲... ...作品 K -447.)

5. Bed is where the deer hunts the tiger. (翻译:Bed is where the deer hunts the tiger. 可在床上小鹿会捕获老虎)

6. How many deer are there in Dafeng now? (翻译:在大丰有多少只鹿? )

7. We tail Horn, Boulanger, the chick. (翻译:其他的人和我一起跟踪荷恩,布朗奇和那个女的)

8. Is it true that the chief named Eagle Horn has returned to the reservation? (翻译:那个叫易沟霍恩的司令官 回到印第安人的属地上,是真的吗?)

9. Wow. - You kill deer and things? (翻译:你捕杀鹿之类的动物吗 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}You kill deer and things)

10. Francis Horn and Robert Boulanger, aka Bob. (翻译:法兰西 荷恩 和 罗伯 布朗奇 又名 鲍勃 布朗奇)

11. So this will have the Cape Horn stamp on it and be sent from Cape Horn? (翻译:那么,这张贺卡将会加盖合恩角邮戳,从合恩角寄出?)

12. HORN MAST 'locked, opening basinet, face open! (翻译:桅角固定,打开头盔,脸部打开! )

13. And if you want a different deer, not a white-tailed deer, but you want a mule deer, or an elk, you change the packing, and you can do an elk. (翻译:如果你们想要一只不同种的鹿, 而不是白尾鹿, 你们可以改变圆形的排列, 然后得到一只麋鹿。)

14. No. Why? Because you're boring. (翻译:因为你很无趣 Do I horn in on your private discussions?)

15. Vrinks, bri. The names Horn and Boulanger. (翻译:我是BRI的温克 调查一下 荷恩 和 布朗奇)

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