pine moth是什么意思 pine moth的中文翻译、读音、例句

pine moth是什么意思 pine moth的中文翻译、读音、例句

pine moth通常被翻译为"松毛虫蛾"的意思,还经常被翻译为松毛虫,读音为[pinemoth],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到78个与pine moth相关的例句。

Pine moth的中文翻译


例句:European moth with white antler-like markings on the forewings; (前翅上有白色鹿角状斑点的欧洲 蛾子; )


例句:You got virgin cypress, you got longleaf pine, you got that pressure treated pine. (有小柏树 有长叶松 还有压力处理过的松树)


pine moth一般作为名词使用,如在pine hawk moth(【昆虫】 松天蛾(Sphina pinastri))、pine sphinx moth(松天蛾)、moth(蛾 )等常见短语中出现较多。

pine hawk moth【昆虫】 松天蛾(Sphina pinastri)
pine sphinx moth松天蛾
pine for渴望, 怀念
drinker moth[网络] 喝酒蛾
emperor moth天蚕蛾
ermine moth[网络] 巢蛾;苹果巢蛾;毛毛虫全都是巢蛾
fig moth[网络] 无花果蛾


1. It is in all encyclopedia. Even a moth knows that. (翻译:这个任何一本百科全书都有记载 哪怕是只飞蛾都知道)

2. Then, sure enough, they found this moth with a 12-inch proboscis. (翻译:当然,后来真的着找到了 12英吋鼻管的和蛾)

3. What do a hummingbird, a moth, and a maple tree have in common? (翻译:蜂鸟、蛾子和枫树之间有什么共同之处呢? )

4. any of several pines that prefer or endure moist situations such as loblolly pine or longleaf pine. (翻译:任何一种耐潮湿环境的松树,如火炬松,长叶松。)

5. One kind of tree is the white pine. Another is the loblolly pine. (翻译:其中一种就是白松,另外一种是火炬松。)

6. Look, that is the caterpillar of a moon moth. (翻译:看看这个 这是一只月亮蝶毛毛虫,看到了吗?)

7. I pine for the countryside. (翻译:我渴望乡下的生活。)

8. "Possum," Moth said. (翻译:“负鼠,”莫丝说。)

9. You, me, Mom, we go to the cabin up at Pine Top. (翻译:你、我和妈妈, 我们去Pine Top 的木屋)

10. Paul took a lot of pride in naming that moth, when... (翻译:Paul因为命名那只飞蛾得到了 很多荣誉 这本来...)

11. It smells like pine trees. (翻译:这看起来不错,干净,漂亮的。它的气味像松树。)

12. And Ms. Pine, you play tennis with Chief Adler, don't you? (翻译:Pine女士 你和首席法官Adler是网球球友 对吗)

13. Ms. Pine, uh, you were already at the SA's Office when Cary joined? - I was. (翻译:Pine女士 Cary加入时 你是否已经在州检办工作了)

14. Satan's spear is to the tallest pine what the tallest pine is to a little, bitty wand. (翻译:撒旦之矛之于最高的松树,犹如最高的松树之于小小的魔杖。)

15. He's finishing up a five year stretch at Pine Creek Penitentiary. (翻译:他的xx年刑期快结束了 在Pine Creek监狱)

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