pindung是什么意思 pindung的中文翻译、读音、例句

pindung是什么意思 pindung的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:But what is the code because I always forget. ({\1cH00FF00}什么PIN号码了? 我经常 会忘记了。)


例句:Some large species of dung beetles originating from France excavate tunnels to a depth of approximately 30cm below the dung pat. (一些法国的大型蜣螂品种会在粪堆下挖一条大约30厘米深的隧道。)


1. Maybe you can learn his PIN number. (翻译:Maybe you can learn his PIN number.)

2. Did he pin the pin on or was he too shy (翻译:Did he pin the pin on or was he too shy 他别上了胸针? 还是他太害羞?)

3. ¿ Got a mountaintop Like a pin drop,yeah ¿ (翻译:.. got a mountaintop like a pin drop,yeah..)

4. That you cops are not trying to pin on me? Come on. (翻译:有没有是你们警察不打算栽赃给我的 that you cops are not trying to pin on me?)

5. From clues they left behind in their fossilized dung. (翻译:从留下来的线索追寻 在它们的粪便化石里面)

6. We need to pull the pin and throw him at Walker before Walker pulls the pin and throws him at us. (翻译:我们得先拉下保险栓 然后扔向Walker 手榴弹不能落到Walker那里)

7. Dung beetles in their hundreds in elephant dung. Found 8 chameleons crossing the road over a few days. Also a number of snakes. (翻译:大象粪团里有上百只屎壳郎。这几天看见8条变色龙穿过小路。还看到几条蛇。)

8. Dung is used as manure. (翻译:粪被用做肥料。)

9. - Get a move on, dung breath! (翻译:- 麻利点 太臭了! - 这不是我的气味! - Get a move on, dung breath!)

10. I was wonder if it was some mystery animal's dung in the altiplano! (翻译:不过我一直怀疑那会是高原上一种神秘动物的粪便! )

11. "is often ephemeral and difficult to pin down. (翻译:很难有定论 and difficult to pin down,)

12. Oh, try to pin the blame on me? (翻译:不,你知道,在我的危险期里,我们做了两次)

13. Pin a Day is a Groat a Year. (翻译:每天节约一丁点儿xx年就是一大笔。)

14. My dung is burned as fuel. My milk is used for cheese. (翻译:我的粪便燃烧可以做燃料。我的乳汁可以做奶酪。)

15. There must be a worthy foe somewhere on this dung heap. (翻译:这粪堆里总会什么有值得一战的敌人的 There must be a worthy foe somewhere on this dung heap.)

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