pire是什么意思 pire的中文翻译、读音、例句

pire是什么意思 pire的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 单词含义:'pire'是一个动词,意思是衰落、衰退、崩溃或毁灭。这个词常用来形容国家、组织或事业的衰落或衰败状态。


- The Roman Empire began to decline in the 3rd century A.D.

- The company's profits have been declining steadily for the past two quarters.

- The actor's career started to decline after his controversial comments.

- The city's infrastructure is in a state of decline due to lack of maintenance.

- The healthcare system in the country is in decline due to budget cuts.

2. 意象描述:'pire'这个单词的发音与“pire”(苹果派)相似,因此可以将这个单词与苹果派联系起来,想象一个苹果派被人扔到地上并破碎的场景,表现出一种破败、瓦解、倒塌的形象。


- The once great city now resembled a crumbling apple pie.

- The company went bankrupt and its reputation was reduced to apple pie.

- The sports team's performance was like a falling apple pie, everyone could see it coming.

- The organization's leadership was like a spoiled apple pie, causing chaos and division.

- The politician's speech was insincere and hollow, like a half-eaten apple pie.

3. 约定俗成:'pire'这个字母组合在缩写或复合词中经常被用到,如'vampire'、'empire'、'expire'、'conspire'等。它在这些单词中的含义都与崩溃、衰退、毁灭有关。


- The vampire's power began to decline after he was exposed to sunlight.

- The British Empire once ruled over a quarter of the world's population.

- The milk will expire on the 15th of this month.

- The conspirators plotted to overthrow the government and bring about its downfall.

- The entire industry is facing decline due to technological advancements.

4. 情感描述:'pire'这个单词常常具有一种悲伤、沮丧、绝望的情感色彩,因为它通常用来描述人们曾经拥有,但后来失去了的一些东西,比如地位、财富、声誉等等。


- He fell from grace and watched his career slowly decline.

- The family's fortune declined after the stock market crash.

- The city's once vibrant nightlife scene has declined in recent years.

- The company's reputation declined after the scandal was exposed.

- The country's political system has been in decline for decades, causing disillusionment among its citizens.

'pire'是法语,翻译为中文是“帝国”。 这个词通常用来描述一个庞大的统治区域,通常由一个国家或人民掌握。 它还可以用来形容非常强大和统治者的权力。


1. Le Premier Empire Français a été créé par Napoléon Bonaparte. (法语:拿破仑·波拿巴创立了第一帝国。中文:拿破仑·波拿巴创立了法国第一帝国。)

2. L'Empire Romain a duré plus de 1 000 ans. (法语:罗马帝国持续了1,000多年。中文:罗马帝国持续了1,000多年。)

3. L'Empire Britannique s'étendait sur plusieurs continents. (法语:大英帝国跨越几个大陆。中文:大英帝国跨越几个大陆。)

4. Les empires coloniaux ont joué un rôle important dans l'histoire. (法语:殖民帝国在历史上扮演了重要角色。中文:殖民地帝国在历史上扮演了重要角色。)

5. L'Empire Ottoman était un empire musulman. (法语:奥斯曼帝国是一个穆斯林帝国。中文:奥斯曼帝国是一个穆斯林帝国。)

6. L'Empire Chinois a été créé par Qin Shi Huang. (法语:秦始皇创建了中国帝国。中文:秦始皇创建了中国帝国。)

7. L'Empire Russe était le plus grand empire du monde. (法语:俄罗斯帝国是世界上最大的帝国。中文:俄罗斯帝国是世界上最大的帝国。)

8. L'Empire Mongol a conquis une grande partie de l'Asie. (法语:蒙古帝国征服了亚洲的大部分地区。中文:蒙古帝国征服了亚洲的大部分地区。)

9. L'Empire Aztèque était un empire précolombien en Amérique du Sud. (法语:阿兹特克帝国是一种前哥伦布时代的南美帝国。中文:阿兹特克帝国是一种前哥伦布时代的南美帝国。)


1. The children built a pire of sand on the beach.(孩子们在海滩上堆了一个沙堆。)

2. The farmers set a pire of hay on fire to clear the field.(农民们点燃了一堆干草来清理田地。)

3. The old books were piled up in a pire in the corner of the room.(旧书被堆在房间角落的一堆中。)




例句:The Ant looked up and saw the young girl sitting in front of a huge pire of seeds. (蚂蚁抬起头,看见一个年轻姑娘正坐在一大堆种子前。)


例句:Scandals that would've been brushed under the carpet... brought to light by Pire's prying. (要不是我刁杰曼插手调查 不知会有多少见不得人的事... 没被揭发)


例句:Tell me, Mr. Pire, Tina Lombardi... You had an inkling of what she was up to. (刁先生,你现在对丁娜比较了解 知道她干了哪些事吧?)


例句:Germain Pire eats little, doesn't drink and tips sparingly. (翻译:刁杰曼胃口不大 从不花天酒地,凡事精打细算)


1. Tell me, Mr. Pire, Tina Lombardi... You had an inkling of what she was up to. (翻译:刁先生,你现在对丁娜比较了解 知道她干了哪些事吧?)

2. Germain Pire eats little, doesn't drink and tips sparingly. (翻译:刁杰曼胃口不大 从不花天酒地,凡事精打细算)



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