placodioid是什么意思 placodioid的中文翻译、读音、例句

placodioid是什么意思 placodioid的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:To do this, either the effective user ID of the porcess must equal the owner ID of the file, or the process must have write permission for the file. (这时,进程的有效用户ID必须和文件的拥有者ID一致,或者进程必须拥有文件的写权限。)


例句:We have an ID on the victim. (We have an ID on the victim.)


1. Don't get too close before ID is confirmed or the defense cannon will fire. (翻译:在确认id之前不要太接近 会被防御炮台误击)

2. But of this we can fix it. (翻译:但是,这里的id terajd我不 可以改善。)

3. Pool _ emp _ id An integer column containing the employee ID that will be used for a new employee generated at a remote database. (翻译:id一个整数列,包含用于在远程数据库生成的新雇员的雇员ID。)

4. - Army Sergeant Charlie Napier. (翻译:- Do we have an ID? - Army Sergeant Charlie Napier.)

5. SetReplID [datetime] sets the database replica ID. (翻译:SetReplID [datetime]设置数据库副本id。)

6. RCC solves this issue with local-scoped ids. (翻译:RCC 通过局部作用域的 id 解决了这个问题。)

7. The Id is also refereed to the pleasure principle, which also represents self-gratification. (翻译:该ID还审阅的快乐原则,这也代表了自我满足。)

8. This is possible because on some servers, this way the parameter id, as in params[: id], would be nil. (翻译:这是可能的,因为在某些服务器上,以id为参数的这种方式,如params[:id]将会是nil。)

9. A hard-coded ID has been used in this case, but you could use an ID sourced from your database or UUID. (翻译:本例中使用了一个硬编码的ID,但是您也可以使用来自数据库的ID或UUID。)

10. The guy downstairs fake ID, then... (翻译:我们觉得是楼下那小伙子 正在做假身份证,这时... 砰!)

11. But with no ID on the subject yet. (翻译:但没有查到该人身份 But with no id on the subject yet)

12. Till we get some l.D., treat everyone like a suspect. (翻译:在我们拿到他的ID前,任何人都不要放过。)

13. You can call the cops, you can look at my ID.. (翻译:你可以叫警察, 你可以看看我的ID ..)

14. Lising 2: Generation of a session specific caching key based on the session id. (翻译:清单2:根据会话id生成特定于会话的缓存键。)

15. Your ID when you're playing? (翻译:你随身带着证件吗? 事实上 我确实带着 没错)

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