plant phenogenetics是什么意思 plant phenogenetics的中文翻译、读音、例句

plant phenogenetics是什么意思 plant phenogenetics的中文翻译、读音、例句

plant phenogenetics的意思是"植物发育遗传学",其次还有"植物发育遗传学"的意思,在线读音是[plantphenogenetics],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到56个与plant phenogenetics相关的例句。

Plant phenogenetics的翻译


例句:The flashboard valve is used in water plant, sewage treatment plant, power plant and other industries. (本插板阀适用于水厂、污水厂、电厂等行业。)


plant phenogenetics一般作为名词使用,如在phenogenetics([遗]表型遗传学)、in plant(在生长发育中)、plant on((把…)稳固地放在…之上; 使击中…; 栽赃给…)等常见短语中出现较多。

in plant在生长发育中
plant on(把…)稳固地放在…之上; 使击中…; 栽赃给…
plant with在…种植
the plant[网络] 植物;工厂;植物呢
to plant栽植
dicotyledonous plant双子叶植物 {= dicot;dicotyledon}
dinosaur plant[网络] 恐龙植物
dioecian plant雌雄异株植物


1. the Daya Bay Nuclear Plant and the Y angtze Bridge. (翻译:大亚湾核电厂、长江大桥 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}the Daya Bay Nuclear Plant and the Y angtze Bridge.)

2. The vision was a beautiful plant in a pot and the plant was no longer growing; it needed to be transplanted. (翻译:我看到一株植物,一株美丽的植物,栽在一个盆子里,但已不再生长,需要移植。)

3. Plant your feet one at a time. (翻译:Plant your feet one at a time.)

4. He was a dupe, not a plant. (翻译:他是被愚弄的 不是被安排的 {\1cHF0F0F0}{\3cH202020}He was a dupe, not a plant.)

5. We turn a run-down plant from loss-maker into a profitable unit, the largest manufacturer of propanol in Europe. (翻译:濒临倒闭的工厂 一夜间成了化工集团的摇钱树 We turn a run -down plant from loss -maker into a profitable unit,)

6. I plant one every chance I get. (翻译:有机会 我就种下一粒 I plant one every chance I get.)

7. Why does Eddie Morra need a plant in the FBI? (翻译:为什么Eddie Morra想在联邦调查局里插一脚? Why does Eddie Morra need a plant in the FBI?)

8. - Cryogenic plant coming on line. (翻译:冷却系统已经启动 Cryogenic plant coming on line, Captain.)

9. Plant a foot, stay awhile. (翻译:Plant a foot, stay awhile.)

10. A time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted. (翻译:栽种有时 拔出所栽种的 也有时 A time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted.)

11. Plant one and watch something die. (翻译:种下一个 就会带来死亡 Plant one and watch something die.)

12. Plant lectins are widely distributed in plant kingdom. (翻译:植物凝集素广泛分布于植物界。)

13. Sales for the direction of the major property developers, power plant and Switchgear Plant. (翻译:销售方向主要为地产商、电厂,及开关设备厂。)

14. With this idea in mind, I created Power Plant. (翻译:带着脑海中的这些想法, 我创建了 Power Plant。)

15. This plant may have been dead for 100 years. Yet its name suggests that all is not lost, for this is a resurrection plant. (翻译:它可能已经死去了xx年 {\3cH202020}This plant may have been dead for 100 years. 因为它是一株复活植物 {\3cH202020}for this is a resurrection plant.)

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