metallic currency是什么意思 metallic currency的中文翻译、读音、例句

metallic currency是什么意思 metallic currency的中文翻译、读音、例句

metallic currency的中文解释是"金属货币、硬币",其次还有"经"的意思,发音是[metalliccurrency],metallic currency常被用作名词,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到56个与metallic currency相关的句子。

Metallic currency的翻译


例句:Is Estonia joining a moribund currency? (爱沙尼亚加入了一个行将没落的货币么? )


例句:That is the relationship currency, and relationship currency is the currency that is generated by the investments that you make in the people in your environment, the investments that you make in the people in your environment. (那就是关系货币, 并且关系货币产生于 你在工作环境中做的人际投资, 你在工作环境中做的人际投资。)


例句:Is the deadly metallic elements sank to the bottom, (是致命的金属元素已经沉淀到底部 is the deadly metallic elements sank to the bottom,)


metallic currency一般作为名词使用,如在metallic currency circulation(金属铸币流通)、currency(货币 )、metallic(金属的 )等常见短语中出现较多。

metallic currency circulation金属铸币流通
digital currency[网络] 数字货币;电子货币;数字现金
dual currency[网络] 双重币种;双货币;双货币型资金管理
double currency复本位
domestic currency[经] 本国通货, 本国货币
emeny currency[法] 敌国货币
emergency currency非常时期通货;金融危机时发行的支付手段


1. Is the deadly metallic elements sank to the bottom, (翻译:是致命的金属元素已经沉淀到底部 is the deadly metallic elements sank to the bottom,)

2. Hardness is caused by divalent metallic cations. (翻译:硬度是由一些两价金属阳离子引起的。)

3. If it is a bomb, it's not metallic and there's no ticking sound. (翻译:如果是个炸弹,却没有探出金属成分 也没有嘀嗒声)

4. Cadmium is a metallic element. (翻译:镉是一种金属元素。)

5. My own epiphany as a conservationist came in 1953, while a Harvard graduate student, searching for rare ants found in the mountain forests of Cuba, ants that shine in the sunlight -- metallic green or metallic blue, according to species, and one species, I discovered, metallic gold. (翻译:我的灵光一现出现在xx年,那时我是哈佛大学的一位研究生 我去古巴的大山和森林里寻找罕见的蚂蚁种类 这些蚂蚁在阳光照射之下会发光 金属绿、金属蓝,甚至是黄金的颜色)

6. Another important determinant of a currency's value is the credibility of the manager of that currency--the central bank. (翻译:货币价值的另一个重要的决定因素是该货币的管理者--中央银行的可信度。)

7. Bearing: 015. Range: 300 metres. (翻译:舰长 瞬时金属声 Captain, sharp metallic transients.)

8. When you were stopping her from crying, that's when. (翻译:我不知道要如何使用这货币 It is a currency I do not know how to spend.)

9. See, names and lineages and titles... ..they fade, but currency... currency stays current. (翻译:听着 家族血统还有头衔... 它们会消退 不过金钱... 永远是金钱)

10. Metallic ores of allsorts are materials merely. (翻译:而各种金属矿石则纯粹是原料。)

11. My own epiphany as a conservationist came in 1953, while a Harvard graduate student, searching for rare ants found in the mountain forests of Cuba, ants that shine in the sunlight -- metallic green or metallic blue, according to species, and one species, I discovered, metallic gold. (翻译:我的灵光一现出现在xx年,那时我是哈佛大学的一位研究生 我去古巴的大山和森林里寻找罕见的蚂蚁种类 这些蚂蚁在阳光照射之下会发光 金属绿、金属蓝,甚至是黄金的颜色 )

12. There are two types of currency in any environment: performance currency and relationship currency. (翻译:任何情况下都有两种货币: 绩效货币和关系货币。)

13. When will the single currency be operable? (翻译:什么时候实行单一货币? )

14. train the players to spend your fake currency, offer the players a way to spend real currency for your fake currency... (翻译:引导玩家消费虚拟货币 向玩家提供用现实货币 兑换虚拟货币的渠道)

15. A strong brittle gray toxic bivalent metallic element. (翻译:一种灰色有毒的二价金属元素坚韧易碎。)

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