plaze是什么意思 plaze的中文翻译、读音、例句

plaze是什么意思 plaze的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:plaza是指一种户外广场,通常是繁华地区的中心,有很多商店、餐厅和娱乐设施。

例句1:After walking around the plaza for a while, we decided to grab a bite to eat at the nearby restaurant.(逛了一会儿广场后,我们决定到附近的餐厅吃东西。)

例句2:The plaza was crowded with people enjoying the live music and street performers.(广场上人们挤满了享受现场音乐和街头艺人的人。)

2. 活动:plaza通常是社交和文化活动的场所,例如音乐会、市集、游行等等。

例句3:The annual Christmas market takes place in the plaza every year and is a favorite event for locals.(每年圣诞集市都在广场举行,是当地居民最喜欢的活动之一。)

例句4:The plaza is hosting a concert series this summer with a variety of musical acts.(这个夏天,广场将举办一系列音乐会,涵盖各种音乐风格。)

3. 历史:plaza通常也是城市历史和文化遗产的象征,有着悠久的历史和重要的纪念碑和建筑。

例句5:The plaza in Mexico City is home to many historic buildings and monuments, including the National Palace and the Metropolitan Cathedral.(墨西哥城的广场拥有许多历史建筑和纪念碑,包括国家宫和大教堂。)

例句6:The main plaza in Cusco, Peru is believed to have been the center of the Incan Empire.(秘鲁库斯科的主广场被认为曾经是印加帝国的中心。)

4. 娱乐:plaza通常是娱乐设施和活动的中心,例如酒吧、影院和儿童游乐场等。

例句7:There is a new rooftop bar on the plaza that offers stunning views of the city skyline.(广场上有一个新的屋顶酒吧,可以俯瞰城市的天际线,景色非常惊艳。)

例句8:The plaza is home to a state-of-the-art cinema complex that features the latest blockbuster movies.(广场上有一家最先进的电影院,放映最新的大片。)

5. 商业:plaza通常是购物和商业活动的中心,有很多商店和商场。

例句9:The plaza is known for its high-end designer boutiques and luxury department stores.(广场以其高端设计师精品店和豪华百货商店而著名。)

例句10:There is a large shopping mall on the outskirts of town that is easily accessible from the main plaza.(城市郊区有一个大型购物中心,从主广场可以方便地到达。)




例句:It's Poppy's favorite, it's P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P- (这是我最喜欢的水果, 水果丕丕... ...)


例句:Laze on a divan all afternoon contemplating the sublime nature of the Victorian universe! (整个下午懒散的躺在无靠背的沙发沉思于令人崇敬的维多利亚女王时代!)


例句:P-P-Parker, the lasers are on! (P -P -Parker 激光打开了 别动)


例句:S. Naida, M. Stepanova, S. Stasenko, P. Stepanov (翻译:Stepanova, S. Stasenko, P. Stepanov)


1. P-P-Parker, the lasers are on! (翻译:P -P -Parker 激光打开了 别动)

2. S. Naida, M. Stepanova, S. Stasenko, P. Stepanov (翻译:Stepanova, S. Stasenko, P. Stepanov)

3. ## Hand a double-O-P, said crank it up ## (翻译:[H and a double -o -p, said crank it up])

4. Shakira kept veteran rocker Shawna P. (翻译:Shakira选择摇滚老将Shawna P.)

5. These setpoints can be adjusted via control parameters P01 and P02. (翻译:这些设定点可以通过调整控制参数P 01和P 02。)

6. I was happy enough to laze about on the beach. (翻译:我很高兴我可以在沙滩上躺着消闲。)

7. What happens when you feed a 1080p signal to 720p TV? (翻译:当你将1080p电视信号转换为720p会发生什么? )

8. This is now the peer-to-peer model where there's no one individual administrator. (翻译:这是现在的P2P模式有 没有一个人的管理员。)

9. Change management — sample RFP requirements. (翻译:变更管理——RF P需求实例。)

10. p provides the PID. (翻译:p 提供 PID。)

11. When can a P-2 or P-3... challenge for a spot on the field? (翻译:什么时候一个P -2级或P -3级的...)

12. Laze on the white-sand beach or golf on two world-ranked courses. (翻译:在白沙滩或高尔夫球拉则在两个世界排名课程。)

13. Some people are blaming Peer to Peer as the source of the pain. But most RTS's use some form of P2P. What makes Demigod different? (翻译:有些人指责采取P2P的对等网模式是这个痛苦的源泉。但是,大多数即时战略游戏都是采取了某种形式的P2P网络。是什么让半神变得如此不同?)

14. We can trace the i.P. Path the hack followed, (翻译:P. 地址追踪到其他的黑客 we can trace the I. P.)

15. Itdescribedaprotocolthat usedpeer-to-peernetworking, proofofwork andpublickeycryptography. (翻译:它建立在P2P, 工作量正明,以及公钥加密系统之上)

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