playlobium obtusangulum在英语中代表"小叶柄"的意思,还经常被翻译为网络,发音音标为[playlobiumobtusangulum],playlobium obtusangulum常被用作名词,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到64个与playlobium obtusangulum相关的例句。
Playlobium obtusangulum的翻译
例句:Um, gentlemen, I may have to stop. (Oh! Um, gentlemen, I may have to stop.)
例句:I'm going to play a song that, um, that I wrote... (我要玩 一首歌哪一, um, 我写。)
playlobium obtusangulum一般作为名词使用,如在Playlobium obtusangulum([网络] 小叶柄)、playlobium obtusangulums([网络] 小叶柄\n(playlobium obtusangulum 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。
Playlobium obtusangulum | [网络] 小叶柄 |
playlobium obtusangulums | [网络] 小叶柄\n(playlobium obtusangulum 的复数) |
1. Well, well, we could be, um... (翻译:我们可能是在... Um, well, we could be, um...)
2. Are you sleeping together? (翻译:Um, maybe you two...)
3. Um, look, I need the rest of that cash (翻译:余款你得给我 Um, look, I need the rest of that cash -现在就要)
4. Um, okay, I gotta go, but... (翻译:呃 好吧 我要走了 那... Um, okay, I gotta go, but...)
5. Full statistics for ralph. (翻译:一些数据 full statistics for Ralph. I, um...)
6. I-I read a lot, and, um... (翻译:我读了很多书... I -I read a lot, and, um...)
7. Well, I brought you back your, um, um, turbo, uh, glove thing. (翻译:我把你的 呃 Well, I brought you back your, um, 极爆手套带来了 um, turbo, uh, glove thing.)
8. Um, yeah, sure, I can-- I'll get you directions. (翻译:当然 我可以... 我给你们指路 Um, yeah, sure, I can -)
9. I wonder if you could um, give it a miss? (翻译:我想是不是可以... 省略掉? I wonder if you could um, give it a miss?)
10. Um... can Andrew and I play "Doom" on my computer? (翻译:我可以跟安德鲁玩电脑游戏“毁灭战士”吗?)
11. Richard, could I speak to you? (翻译:理查德 能说句话吗 Richard, um, could I speak to you?)
12. Um, well, uh, I have a little problem with, um, substances, and I ended up doing things... (翻译:呃 我喜欢嗑点那啥 Um, well, uh, I have a little problem with, um, substances, 然后就做了些坏事 没错 and I ended up doing things...)
13. After that, I figured, um, if I was gonna survive, (翻译:从此以后 我明白了 After that, I figured, um, 要想活下去 if I was gonna survive,)
14. Do you, um - do you have any line on the blackmailer? (翻译:um — Do you have any line on the blackmailer?)
15. Um, can I have it for one second? (翻译:Um, can I have it for one second?)
playlobium obtusangulum作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、playlobium、obtusangulums等。