pleuche是什么意思 pleuche的中文翻译、读音、例句

pleuche是什么意思 pleuche的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Well, he used to before he was a vampire. (he used to before he was a vampire.)


1. In January I saw an exhibit of Fernando Botero's paintings at the UC Berkeley library. (翻译:xx月份我参观了费尔南多.波特罗的绘画展览 在柏克利大学的图书馆中)

2. When will he be as he was? (翻译:This is not life. When will he be as he was?)

3. Apparently UC accepts over half in-state applicants to some college. (翻译:显然,UC接受 超过一半的州内申请 一些大学。)

4. In their study, Baram and her UC Irvine colleagues identified a novel process by which stress caused these effects. (翻译:在这次研究中,Baram及他的同事还发现了一个新细节,而压力正是通过这个途径来产生副作用的。)

5. It happened to be over UC-Davis' campus in California when we turned the camera on. (翻译:在我们打开相机时, 卫星正处在加州大学戴维斯分校上空。)

6. 240. Well, he said he was older. (翻译:he said he was older.)

7. He is handling the money, he is serving the food (翻译:∮ He is handling the money, he is serving the food)

8. We were there with MIT and UC Berkeley engineers. (翻译:我们和麻省理工,还有 加州伯克利的工程师一起。)

9. If he wanted to, he could. (翻译:If he wanted to, he could.)

10. The first one, two months in, the UC resigns, moves down to Anguilla. (翻译:第一次调查在2个月后,卧底辞职了,搬到安奎拉群岛)

11. Mr Nean MacCannell, a socio-anthropologist at UC Davis, regards tourism as a modern phenomenon. (翻译:美国加州大学戴维斯分校的社会人类学家马康纳认为旅游是一种现代现象。)

12. What do you say to a graduate of the UC Berkeley physics department? (翻译:对一名加州大学伯克利分校 What do you say to a graduate 物理系毕业的学生该说什么? of the UC Berkeley physics department?)

13. With a good foundation of Enlish and several months of persistent practicing on UC, I am sure we can make it a big hit on UC. (翻译:凭借着一个良好的外语基础和在UC上几个月的坚持练习,我肯定我们可以让这个房间再UC上非常流行。)

14. He knows he's being followed. So let the UC take him in. (翻译:说他知道有人跟踪 让卧底把他引进去就行了)

15. OK, other organizations we've been working with, UC Merced -- people know about UC Merced. (翻译:此外,我们一直以来合作的其他组织还有加州大学默塞德, 大家都知道加州大学默塞德。)

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