plimsoll lines通常被翻译为"载货吃水线"的意思,作为名词时有"载重线标志"的意思,发音音标为[plimsolllines],plimsoll lines来源于英语,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到69个与plimsoll lines相关的句子。
Plimsoll lines的中文翻译
例句:Well, sometimes my delegates try to read between the lines. (sometimes my delegates try to read between the lines.)
例句:Lynch has all your comm lines. (林奇掌握着你所有的通讯线路 Lynch has all your comm lines)
plimsoll lines一般作为名词使用,如在Plimsoll lines(载货吃水线;载重线标志)、plimsoll(n. 轻便橡皮底帆布鞋, 胶底运动鞋)、plimsoll disc(载重线标圈)等常见短语中出现较多。
Plimsoll lines | 载货吃水线;载重线标志 |
plimsoll | n. 轻便橡皮底帆布鞋, 胶底运动鞋 |
plimsoll disc | 载重线标圈 |
Plimsoll disk | [网络] 载重线标志 |
plimsoll duck | 鞋用帆布 |
Plimsoll line | 载货吃水线;载重线标志 |
Plimsoll loadline | [网络] 干舷载重线 |
Plimsoll mark | 吃水标(等于draught marks);载重线标志;普里姆索尔标志 |
Plimsoll marks | [网络] 中会使水淹到船体的吃水标 |
in lines | [网络] 成排 |
1. Afew lines on The Guardian. (翻译:《卫报》内页会说几句 不用担心 Afew lines on The Guardian.)
2. You know my lines, too, huh? (翻译:Wait... You know my lines, too, huh?)
3. Me and the tribesmen on the front lines? (翻译:让我和山地部落在一线作战? Me and the tribesmen on the front lines?)
4. ♪ We were warriors On the front lines ♪ (翻译:♪ We were warriors On the front lines ♪)
5. To erase dividing lines from country to country. (翻译:那就是消除国与国之间的界限 To erase dividing lines from country to country.)
6. You cannot make up your own lines! (翻译:你们不能随便乱改台词 {\3cH202020}You cannot make up your own lines!)
7. ¶ not to read in between the lines ¶ (翻译:# not to read in between the lines #)
8. Along the same lines of, uh, reconciliation, (翻译:基于想要和解的共同意愿 along the same lines of, uh, reconciliation,)
9. Miss Plimsoll has issued an ultimatum. (翻译,威尔弗莱德爵士,普利姆索尔小姐发出 最后通牒了。)
10. Can you imagine Miss Plimsoll's face if she saw me now? (翻译:谢谢。要是被普利姆索尔小姐 看到了,你猜她会是什么表情?)
11. Behind enemy lines behind friendly lines. (翻译:我们在敌人的防线... ...在保护的后防。)
12. Girls love straight lines crisscrossing, crisscrossing. (翻译:女孩们喜欢纵横交错的的直线 Girls love straight lines crisscrossing, crisscrossing.)
13. ♪ so just forget about the world ♪ (翻译:♪ In time, ink lines ♪)
14. But I could read between the lines. (翻译:But I could read between the lines. 但是我读懂话中话)
15. Transporting undeclared commerce across borough lines? (翻译:Transporting undeclared commerce across borough lines? 货物运输未经许可?)
plimsoll lines作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有0、plimsoll、line/1、s等。