例句:It may not be guilty. Many are stuck and are not. (他们可能是朋友 lots of people in land)
例句:♪ Came a fella born to ride the wide, brown land ♪ (# Came a fella born to ride the wide, brown land #)
1. - Going to the Promised Land! (翻译:I got chosen! - Going to the Promised Land!)
2. Hurry away now, my song Fly to that land of dreams (翻译:Hurry away now, my song Fly to that land of dreams)
3. Because it is on his land! (翻译:Why would it be his horse? Because it is on his land!)
4. Uh, the trickster trapped us in TV land. (翻译:any theory. the trickster trapped us in TV land.)
5. ¶ So what if you catch me Where would we land ¶ (翻译:[So what if you catch me Where would we land])
6. The sanatorium stood on a large plot of land by the coast. (翻译:疗养院坐落在海岸的一片宽阔的土地上。)
7. Where are the leaders of the land? (翻译:这里的主人何在 Where are the leaders of the land)
8. As the legend of the Condor Heroes of the last generation of overlord, Cheng Jisihan can only occupy a small plot of land at your back. (翻译:就像射雕英雄传的最后,一代霸主成吉思汗只能在作古后占据一小块土地。)
9. * Land where my fathers died (翻译:* Land where my fathers died)
10. Now the Philistines were gathered into a troop where there was a plot of land full of lentils , and the people fled before the Philistines. (翻译:xx日,非利士人聚集成群,在那里有一块长满红豆的田,百姓在非利士人面前逃跑。)
11. From that man ♪ ♪got a gto from one named joe (翻译:♪And a big piece of land down in Mexico♪)
12. Iraq, land of history, but also land of unspeakable torture! (翻译:伊拉克,充满历史的土地, Iraq, land of history, but also land 也充满了可耻的虐囚行径。of unspeakable torture!)
13. Reaching plot for Lanxiang and Boteng Company on the east, land for Xinzhengfang Company on the south, Dongqing road on the west, Rende road on the north. (翻译:东至蓝翔和博腾公司用地界、南至新正方公司用地界、西至冬青路、北至仁德路。)
14. Mr Kamarov, plot a new course due south. (翻译:卡马洛夫先生 计划航线 往南走 Mr. Kamarov, plot a new course due south.)
15. " Rocking across Texas Rocking to the promised land " (翻译:? Rocking across Texas Rocking to the promised land ?)