例句:You know, could I get a side of bacon? (could I get a side of bacon?)
例句:McFall has published or co-published a number of books on the Russian side. (麦克福尔曾出版或合作出版了大量有关俄罗斯方面的书籍。)
1. The PLO condemns attacks on civilians. (翻译:-这是我表妹的QQ: 724701201 有时间你加一下她- 巴勒斯坦解放组织反对滥杀无辜)
2. Her uncle has a cabin on the Nevada side. (翻译:Her unclehas a cabin on the Nevada side.)
3. Right here on the s-side of the r-road here. (翻译:-SIDE OF THE R -ROAD HERE.)
4. Hugh went around the side. (翻译:Hugh went around the side.)
5. En dolomiet, CaMg [Co3] 2. (翻译:恩dolomiet,为CaMg [CO3] 2。)
6. One is PLO, one Shining Path, these seven we're not so sure about. (翻译:一个是PLO,一个是闪耀路径 我们不肯定这七个)
7. During the war, I fought side-by-side (翻译:在战争时期 我和 During the war, I fought side -by -side)
8. In any case, the PLO “does not represent a majority”. (翻译:无论如何,巴解组织“不能代表大多数”。)
9. They've not only had to eat fantastic quantities of humble pie, indeed humble pie, I would say, with a side order of grovel sauce. (翻译:with a side order of grovel sauce.)
10. ♪ break on through to the other side ♪ (翻译:♪ Break on through to the other side ♪)
11. Let me see the other side. (翻译:Let me see the other side.)
12. We fought side by side one afternoon. (翻译:The siege of Pyke. We fought side by side one afternoon.)
13. - But the Israelis dropped more bombs! (翻译:但以色列炸弹扔得比较多 But the Israelis dropped more bombs than the PLO!)
14. Before the revolution, they won the army and police over to their side. (翻译:they won the army and police over to their side.)
15. Cifas also runs (翻译:Cifas还经营着 )