plowing direction是什么意思 plowing direction的中文翻译、读音、例句

plowing direction是什么意思 plowing direction的中文翻译、读音、例句

plowing direction的意思是"耕作方向",在英美地区还有"耕作方向"的意思,在线读音是[plowingdirection],plowing direction常被用作名词,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到35个与plowing direction相关的例句。

Plowing direction的释义


例句:- Move the fan in my direction. (- Sir, tea. - Move the fan in my direction.)


plowing direction一般作为名词使用,如在plowing(n. 翻耕, 耕作)、plowing into(na. 奋力投入(工作))、plowing on([网络] 犁着)等常见短语中出现较多。

plowingn. 翻耕, 耕作
plowing intona. 奋力投入(工作)
plowing on[网络] 犁着
fall plowing秋耕
first plowing初耕
flat plowing【农学】平犁地 [亦作 flat-furrow plowing]
gathering plowing内转耕法
intermitted plowing间断犁法;间隔耕法
mole plowing暗沟钻孔


1. But if you have something take it, and try going in a completely different direction. (翻译:and try going in a completely different direction.)

2. The giant went in that direction. (翻译:巨人往那个方向去了 The giant went in that direction.)

3. At the side of the road, a tall and corpulent monk, with large eyes and awesome look, was plowing a field. (翻译:路边的田里,有一个身材魁伟健壮的喇嘛,生就一双大眼睛,目光炯炯地在那儿锄地。)

4. All you have to do is point us in the direction of your employer. (翻译:你要做的 All you have to do 就是把你的雇主供出来 is point us in the direction of your employer.)

5. The earth has started to spin in the opposite direction because of you. (翻译:The earth has started to spin in the opposite direction because of you. 为了你,地球都会反转)

6. For two years now there has been famine in the land, and for the next five years there will not be plowing and reaping. (翻译:现在这地的饥荒已经xx年了,还有xx年不能耕种,不能收成。)

7. This ox did otherworldly plowing. (翻译:这头牛在另一个世界耕作。)

8. The only way to break down soil compaction is through traditional moldboard plowing or the use of a subsoiler. (翻译:唯一的办法是用传统的犁板耕作或使用深耕铲打散压紧的泥土。)

9. DC, every town worth scavenging are all in the other direction. (翻译:在华盛顿特区 DC, 所有值得搜索的镇子都在另外那边 every town worth scavenging are all in the other direction.)

10. In the opposite direction. (翻译:有多远跑多远 in the opposite direction.)

11. Once the political discussion is over, they proceed talking about plowing, mowing and sifting the seeds. (翻译:谈完政治 他们又回头谈耕犁、 割草、筛选种子... ...)

12. This is very helpful when plowing through tough spots or disking through wet spots. (翻译:当横扫强硬的地点或磁盘片过湿的地点时候,这非常有帮助。)

13. My mother had the strength of a frigate plowing through troubled waters. (翻译:我妈妈有护卫舰的力气 将那些麻烦的水翻腾起来)

14. Came from a different direction. (翻译:可你来的方向不对 Came from a different direction.)

15. The agricultural machines they saw were for plowing, for harvesting, for irrigating, for hulling and for food processing. (翻译:所见的农机具包括耕耙机具、收割与脱粒机具、灌溉机具、食品加工机具等。)

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