例句:Of, relating to, or resembling a carp or other cyprinid fish. (鲤鱼的,鲤科鱼的鲤鱼或鲤科鱼的,有关或似鲤鱼或鲤科鱼的。)
例句:Yes, but Po, the Five need training and combat. (是没错 阿宝 但是你们五个需要练武和比武)
Podocarpineae | 竹柏亚科(竹柏科) |
1. Po would want us to remain strong. Hard-core. Right, Tigress? (翻译:Po希望我们坚强, 坚不可摧, 对吧, Tigress?)
2. Blood LAA was positively correlated with tissue MPO content. (翻译:外周血laa与肺组织M PO含量呈正相关。)
3. The first involves two kinds of Asian carp, bighead and silver. (翻译:第一个案例涉及两种亚洲鲤鱼:大头鱼和银色鲤鱼。)
4. Changes of NOS and apoptosis in the CNS in EAE rats induced tolerance by feeding antigen (翻译:抗原诱导免疫耐受的EAE大鼠中枢神经系统中一氧化氮合酶和细胞凋亡的变化)
5. (HORNET BUZZING) The Dai men, Po and Xue Ming, take advantage of a hunter's instincts. (翻译:傣族猎人Po与Xue Ming 利用猎人惯用的伎俩)
6. Po, do you know the Lao Goo mystery of the disappearing coin? (翻译:不是的 你为什么这么想? 你怎么不去洗把脸呢?)
7. You've nothing to do with Po Chi Lam, don't get yourself into trouble! (翻译:阿汉! 你不是宝芝林的人 不要多管闲事吧)
8. bullfrog toad carp Crucian carp chub eel herring mullet perch ? ? ? ? sardine salmon cod (翻译:牛蛙蟾蜍鲤鱼鲫鱼鲢鱼鳗鱼青鱼乌鱼,黑鱼鲈鱼鲑鱼鳕鱼沙丁鱼?)
9. Po, you do hang around with Jimmy all the time, what do you think about this? (翻译:伍宝 你天天和占米在一起 这件事你怎么看?)
10. In a few generations, there'll be no females left, no more carp. (翻译:几代之后没有了雌性鲤鱼, 鲤鱼种群就会随之消失。)
11. She left this, what, at a PO box? (翻译:她把这个留在邮政信箱? She left this, what, at a PO box?)
12. It's the ultimate underdog Cinderella story, and the po' folks here is eating it up, buying up merchandise with any and everything that has to do with Kantmiss or the Starving Games. (翻译:硂琌程沧 畓η﹉甉珿ㄆ ㎝PO硂 タ帝㎡ 潦御坝珇 ヴ㎝ち 玭)
13. I got sand all up in my toe jam running from the po-po. (翻译:我的脚趾间多的是沙子 都是躲避警察时沾的)
14. The tainting of information, and the use of CGI: : Carp, are both low-level issues and that can still be a cause for concern. (翻译:信息污染以及使用CGI::Carp都是低级的问题,但仍然会引起人们的重视。)
15. However, there are many differences in experimental animals, the type and dose of antigens and adjuvants in inducing. . . (翻译:但EAE模型制备在实验动物、抗原种类及剂量、佐剂等方面的选择上存在较大差异。)