'pogostemon cablin'是英文词语,中文翻译为廣藿香。
以下是9个含有'pogostemon cablin'的例句:
1. I love the scent of pogostemon cablin in my perfume.(我喜欢我香水中廣藿香的味道。)
2. The pogostemon cablin plant is easy to care for.(廣藿香植物很容易养护。)
3. Pogostemon cablin oil is a popular essential oil.(廣藿香油是一种受欢迎的精油。)
4. The pogostemon cablin leaves are used in traditional Chinese medicine.(廣藿香叶子被用于中药中。)
5. Pogostemon cablin can be found in many beauty products.(廣藿香可以在许多美容产品中找到。)
6. The pogostemon cablin scent is calming and relaxing.(廣藿香的香味具有镇定、放松的效果。)
7. Pogostemon cablin is also known as patchouli.(廣藿香另一个名字是广藿香。)
8. The pogostemon cablin plant is native to Asia.(廣藿香植物原产于亚洲。)
9. Pogostemon cablin is a favorite ingredient in natural perfumes.(廣藿香是天然香水中受欢迎的成分之一。)
pogostemon cablin通常被翻译为"广藿香"的意思,在英美地区还有"医"的意思,发音是[pogostemoncablin],pogostemon cablin在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到14个与pogostemon cablin相关的例句。
Pogostemon cablin的中文翻译
例句:The results provide scientific basis for recognition and distinction of Pogostemon cabling varieties. (所得结果可为广藿香的品种鉴别和划分提供参考。)
例句:METHODS ITS1 and ITS2 genes of Pogostemon Cablin from different localities were identified by PCR direct sequencing. (方法采用PCR直接测序技术对不同产地的广藿香its1和ITS2基因进行测序分析。)
pogostemon cablin一般作为名词使用,如在Pogostemon([网络] 刺蕊草属;广藿香是唇形科雌蕊草属;左手香)、genus Pogostemon([网络] 刺蕊草属)、pogostemon auricularia(耳叶刺蕊草;密花节节红)等常见短语中出现较多。
Pogostemon | [网络] 刺蕊草属;广藿香是唇形科雌蕊草属;左手香 |
genus Pogostemon | [网络] 刺蕊草属 |
pogostemon auricularia | 耳叶刺蕊草;密花节节红 |
Pogostemon auricularius | n. 水珍珠菜 |
Pogostemon brevicorollus | n. 短冠刺蕊草 |
pogostemon cablins | [医] 广藿香\n(pogostemon cablin 的复数) |
Pogostemon championii | n. 短穗刺蕊草 |
Pogostemon chinensis | n. 长苞刺蕊草 |
Pogostemon dielsianus | n. 狭叶刺蕊草 |
1. Objective To optimize extraction technology for volatile oil of Pogostemon cablin in the second traditional veterinary drugs anti-stress granule. (翻译:目的筛选二类中兽药畜禽抗应激颗粒中广藿香挥发油包合的最佳工艺。)
pogostemon cablin作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、pogostemon、cablins等。