poecilus是什么意思 poecilus的中文翻译、读音、例句

poecilus是什么意思 poecilus的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:I look in the empty white ramie song ci. (日日望乡国,空歌白苎词。)


例句:Melt grafting of maleic anhydride onto POE through mechanical force initiation and its toughening effect on PA66 (机械力引发官能化POE及其增韧尼龙66的研究)


poecilus一般作为名词使用,如在dysdercus poecilus(联斑棉红蝽;姬赤星椿象)等常见短语中出现较多。

dysdercus poecilus联斑棉红蝽;姬赤星椿象


1. - Master Poe, enemy fighters! (翻译:- 波主人 敌机 - 伙计们 有很多客人来了 - Master Poe, enemy fighters!)

2. Plato, Proust, Pinter, Poe, Pound? (翻译:布鲁托, 布斯, 布特, 布尔, 鹏特?)

3. Any number of LUs can be open and available for editing at the same time. (翻译:在同一时间,任何数量的逻辑单元都能够被打开并进行编辑。)

4. orlandoisimmenselytalented (翻译:-Ci and JoJo的《All My Life》)

5. If you do not improve this research Could you be over. (翻译:如果你们再不齐心协力调查的话, 你就真和你的CI一样要完蛋了)

6. And that girl, the one your CI alleged was with the Pastor? (翻译:还有那个女孩 你的线人 声称和牧师在一起的那个)

7. Any number of LUs can be open and available for editing at the same time. (翻译:在同一时间,任何数量的逻辑单元都能够被打开并进行编辑。)

8. And Swinburne and Oscar Wilde, Whitman and Poe! (翻译:还有斯温伯恩 和奥斯卡王尔德 惠特曼和艾伦坡.)

9. Tien Ci, try to be more glowing on the cent tehe gleene. (翻译:天赐 拜托你一会儿笑得灿烂一点啊 Tien Ci, try to be more glowing on the cent tehe gleene.)

10. Poe Dameron: I can fly anything. (翻译:波·达梅隆:什么我都能飞。)

11. Cameron Poe, you have pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the first degree. (翻译:you have pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the first degree.)

12. It's as if Edgar Allan Poe and (翻译:她是很奇特的孩子,就像艾德加爱伦坡 十九世纪美国诗人,小说家和文学评论家)

13. Edgar Poe, an American writer, was born in 1809. (翻译:美国作家埃德加·坡出生于xx年。)

14. Use of PE plasticizing agent promoter together with POE could have coherent effect to plasticize. (翻译:助增韧剂PE与POE配合使用具有协同增韧效应。)

15. Before I kill you, Poe, I just wanted you to know... that the last thing that little Casey Poe ever gets to smell... will be my stinking breath. (翻译:I just wanted you to know... 在小凯西死前 that the last thing that little Casey Poe ever gets to smell... 会闻到我的口臭味的 will be my stinking breath.)

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