poinsettia strain是什么意思 poinsettia strain的中文翻译、读音、例句

poinsettia strain是什么意思 poinsettia strain的中文翻译、读音、例句

poinsettia strain的中文解释是"网络",其次还有"一品红菌株"的意思,读音为[poinsettiastrain],poinsettia strain常被用作名词,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到93个与poinsettia strain相关的例句。

Poinsettia strain的翻译


例句:Allowing them to take the strain we cannot. (这样才能随时让我们运用自如 Allowing them to take the strain we cannot.)


例句:This is a strain we've never seen. (而我们的情报系统却什么都没发现? 这是一种我们从来没有见过的病毒。)


poinsettia strain一般作为名词使用,如在poinsettia(一品红 )、Japanese poinsettia([网络] 日本一品红)、poinsettia strains([网络] 一品红菌株\n(poinsettia strain 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

Japanese poinsettia[网络] 日本一品红
poinsettia strains[网络] 一品红菌株\n(poinsettia strain 的复数)
wild poinsettia[网络] 柳叶大戟
on the strain处于紧张状态,紧张地
strain at紧拉, 紧拖
dielectric strain电介质胁变
dilatational strain膨胀应变


1. The rope broke under the strain. (翻译:绳子给拉断了。)

2. I've been under a strain... (翻译:你是付出代价的那位 我知道我一直不体面地冷落了你)

3. The selected Aspergillus mutant strain, A28-8, was an excellent keratinase-producing strain. (翻译:曲霉a28 - 8是一株优良的角蛋白酶分泌突变菌株。)

4. Strain CD1 has similar superiority and selectivity to strain BP2 in degradation. (翻译:菌株cd1与菌株bp2有相似的降解优势和选择性。)

5. The strain is obtained with Bacillus pumilus strain 1. 894 and through ultraviolet mutagenesis and screening. (翻译:发明所用菌株是将短小芽孢杆菌1.894菌株,经紫外诱变,筛选得到。)

6. The strain expiratory sensor is used to measure people's expiratory flow through strain-measuring bridge. (翻译:应变式呼气流量传感器利用应变电桥对人的呼气流量进行测量。)

7. Just like the strain Of a haunting refrain (翻译:Just like the strain Of a haunting refrain)

8. It puts much less of a strain on the memory. (翻译:不说会憋坏的嘛 on the memory.)

9. Add 0.75 Limoncello, shake and strain. (翻译:家0.75盎司柠檬力娇酒,摇合后滤入杯子。)

10. The expression of the unfused protein in the strain E. (翻译:首先以非融合蛋白形式进行表达。)

11. The functional relationships among the dynamic softening time, the torsion rupture strain and temperature-strain rate co. . . (翻译:建立了形变温度-速度、动态软化时间及扭转破断时应变三者的函数关系。)

12. These repayments are putting a strain on our finances. (翻译:偿还这些债务对我们的财务状况形成了压力。)

13. Enjoy the Poinsettia Garden outside the east wing and have a very pleasant day. (翻译:好好享受东翼外的一品红花园 Enjoy the Poinsettia Garden outside the east wing 祝您愉快 and have a very pleasant day.)

14. You and me, we sweat and strain (翻译:You and me, we sweat and strain)

15. By careful selecting and roguing the strain was evolved. (翻译:这个品种是经过小心的选择与淘汰才培育出来的。)


poinsettia strain作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、poinsettia、strains等。

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