pollone是什么意思 pollone的中文翻译、读音、例句

pollone是什么意思 pollone的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:- One million one hundred dollars. (- One million one hundred dollars.)


例句:Experiment one, trial one. (Experiment one, trial one.)


例句:Not one, not one in the world. (Not one, not one in the world.)


例句:Gallup poll data taken in 2008. (翻译:民意测验数据来自盖洛普公司xx年的民调。)


1. Not one, not one in the world. (翻译:Not one, not one in the world.)

2. Gallup poll data taken in 2008. (翻译:民意测验数据来自盖洛普公司xx年的民调。)

3. That is now a problem: nuclear power is the most pressing issue for 46% of Baden-Wurttemberg's voters, according to one poll. (翻译:这就出现了一个问题:根据一项民意调查,核能问题是46%的巴登-符腾堡州选民最为担忧的问题。)

4. One Brussels official admits that his commissioner "absolutely" uses poll data to browbeat reluctant governments, in private and in public. (翻译:一位欧盟官员承认他的委员“绝对”将民调结果作为恐吓—或是在私下或是在公众—迟迟不愿行动的政府的工具。)

5. The final result of the poll will be known tomorrow. (翻译:投票结果将于明天公布。)

6. If Gallup releases a poll on the same day that NBC releases a poll, people will pay attention to the Gallup poll. Okay, we understand that. (翻译:如果盖洛普和NBC同一天发布了一个调查 人们会关注盖洛普的调查。好的,我们都明白的 )

7. In a poll conducted by one of the UnitedStates' major companies, employees were asked to rank work attributes theyconsidered important. (翻译:在一项有美国大公司的调查中,员工被要求排列他们认为重要的工作态度。)

8. We don't poll the Match population, we poll the American population. (翻译:我们民调的对象 不仅针对Match.com的会员 而是整个美国人口 )

9. Analysis on nti-stress in poll rod of sleeve poll rod type press of beam-column structure (翻译:套筒拉杆式梁柱结构压砖机拉杆预紧力理论分析)

10. I'd like to do a few interviews. (翻译:玛西亚说有个投票 Marcia said there was some poll. -76% -不能有采访 克里斯)

11. One poll found that 41 percent of Muslims in this country support jihad, which is obviously pretty scary, and it was reported everywhere in 2015. (翻译:一份民意调查指出,这个国家内 41%的穆斯林支持伊斯兰教的“圣战”, 这听起来相当吓人, 这个数字在xx年被大肆报道。)

12. And then we poll the public and see where they score worst. (翻译:然后我们对公众进行调查 由此知道哪些项目得分是最低的 )

13. Each pccb can be located in the pollcache based on a file descriptor hash. (翻译:每个pccb根据文件描述符散列值放在poll缓存中。)

14. That means the poll spoke to roughly one in every 5,000 Muslims in this country. (翻译:这意味着,在这个国家中, 每5000个穆斯林中只有一个 参与了这项调查。)

15. They gained 20% of the poll. (翻译:他们得到了20%的选票。)

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