例句:Another three points down in the polls. (Another three points down in the polls.)
例句:I'll turn them all into Iranoffs, Buljanoffs, and Kopalskis. (我会把他们变成伊万诺夫s 布杰诺夫s和卡巴斯基s)
例句:And yes, Tom, according to the polls, one again, it's 2:00 and you're hungry. (对啊,两点根据民意调查再说一遍现在两点! 而且我很饿)
例句:The Conservatives are trailing Labour in the opinion polls. (翻译:在民意测验中保守党的支持率落后于工党。)
1. And yes, Tom, according to the polls, one again, it's 2:00 and you're hungry. (翻译:对啊,两点根据民意调查再说一遍现在两点! 而且我很饿)
2. The Conservatives are trailing Labour in the opinion polls. (翻译:在民意测验中保守党的支持率落后于工党。)
3. # This w-word s-so s-sweet that I r-repeat (翻译:# This w -word s -so s)
4. You're the ones down five points in the polls. (翻译:民调支持率低5个百分点的人是你 但你考虑一下趋势)
5. At "Famous Amos's barbing salon" and the "Failed State business center" , patrons discuss the polls. (翻译:“阿摩司著名沙龙”和“沦陷国家商业中心”的赞助商开始热议投票。)
6. The polls are already sub-50. (翻译:民意已经低于50,这会让我们完蛋的 The polls are already sub)
7. Yeah, will wonders never cease? (翻译:will wonders never cease? s)
8. Polls have charted growing disillusionment with the campaign. (翻译:民意调查显示人们对这场运动越来越失望。)
9. He constructs his unique mode S/s by modifying Saussurean diagram. (翻译:通过修改索绪尔的所指与能指图式,拉康建构出S/s模式。)
10. Because STS-200 is a delicate, top-secret satellite recovery that's why. (翻译:因为 S T S 2 0 0 是最高机密 所以不能)
11. They suffered a defeat at the polls. (翻译:他们在投票选举中惨遭失败。)
12. But Maddie Hayward is gaining on you in the polls. (翻译:可Maddie Hayward在民调中不断迫近你们)
13. In addition to the A330-200s on their way out, SAA currently operates 17 737-800s, 11 A319s, six A340-300s and nine A340-600s. (翻译:除了将要淘汰的A330 - 220s,南非航空目前运营17架737 - 800s、11架A319s、6架A340 - 300s、9架A340 - 600s。)
14. But, of course, I can look at the opinion polls, and the opinion polls are supposedly the source of a belief that trust has declined. (翻译:但当然了,我可以去看看民意调查, 民意调查应该是 觉得信任感在降低的出处。)
15. The latest polls of the council suggest that if the vote were taken today, (翻译:市议会最新民意调查结果显示 如果今天投票)