例句:Erucic acid was positively correlated with seed protein, linolenic acid and arachidonic acid. (芥酸与种子蛋白质、亚麻酸、花生烯酸间均呈极显著正相关。)
Polygonacidites | 蓼粉属〔孢粉,E2-Q〕 |
1. If the point is within the polygon, the line will intersect the edges of the polygon an odd number of times. (翻译:如果该点位于多边形内,该线将与多边形的边相交奇数次。)
2. An Optimized Algorithm to Determine Topo-relation Between Point and Polygon and Clockwise or Anti-clockwise in Polygon (翻译:点、多边形拓扑关系与多边形顺、逆判断优化算法)
3. Somebody burned out his eyes with acid, Doc. (翻译:他的眼睛被人用酸烧毁了 医生 Somebody burned out his eyes with acid, Doc.)
4. Sulfuric acid, muriatic acid, carbonic acid. (翻译:硫酸 Sulfuric acid, 盐酸 muriatic acid, 碳酸 carbonic acid.)
5. Progressive, electro, Deep House, Club House, Acid House, Euro House. (翻译:忘了派对音乐吧,Progressive, Electro,Deep House,Club House,Acid House ...)
6. In the other embodiment, the susceptor cross section is a polygon with a plurality of substrates mounted on its facets. (翻译:在另一个实施方式中,衬托器截面是多边形,且多个衬底安装在衬托器的面上。)
7. Polygon SUVNPQ is equilateral and equiangular and TWOR is a rectangle. (翻译:图形为一个长方形内含一个六边形。)
8. If the last vertex is identical to the first vertex, it is a closed form and the polyline forms a polygon. (翻译:如果最后的顶点与最初的顶点重合,它就是闭合的,也就形成了一个多边形。)
9. Button shape for a custom polygon, ellipse, or plucked out of a bitmap graphic decision. (翻译:按钮的外形可以为自定义的多边形、椭圆,或由位图中抠出的图形决定。)
10. We already know, for example if a polygon is composed of multiple polygons then the polygon's total area is the sum of all the smaller areas. (翻译:我们已经知道 比如说 如果一个多边形是由多个多边形组成 那么该多边形的面积 就是所有多边形面积的总和)
11. Triangulate partitioning polygon is geometric primitives of computational geometric. (翻译:多边形三角剖分是计算几何的一个几何基元。)
12. I have reason to use Polygon over Polyline so Polyline is not an option. (翻译:我有理由使用多边形在多线多线不是一个选择。)
13. The free market of ideas, " as some Paul-ites call theironline community, was functioning efficiently. (翻译:“观念的自由市场”,正如一些保罗党人所形容的他们的网上社区,运作效率相当高。)
14. Burned by acid or something. (翻译:burned by acid or something. 你认为Darren Cullen就是Taurus?)
15. Hydrolysable tannin may be degraded to glucose, gallic acid, ellagic acid and valonia acid in the acid condition. (翻译:水解类植物鞣质在酸性条件下能降解,其降解产物可起到还原、蒙囿以及与金属盐络合的作用。)