polyface meshes是什么意思 polyface meshes的中文翻译、读音、例句

polyface meshes是什么意思 polyface meshes的中文翻译、读音、例句

polyface meshes在英语中代表"多面网格、网络"的意思,其次还有"极座标追踪"的意思,发音音标为[polyfacemeshes],polyface meshes常被用作名词,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到80个与polyface meshes相关的例句。

Polyface meshes的中文翻译


例句:Once I've exported all the base meshes, I usually check them in Mudbox for any errors that might have slipped through. (一旦我已经导出所有的基础模型,我经常在Mudbox里检查它们以便没有错误被遗留。)


例句:If there are overlapping meshes I do this separately. (如果有重叠我就如下做出分离。)


例句:Help to generate and repair meshes to obtain machinable mock-ups for the rapid prototyping machines working with STL files as input. (通过生成与修补网格曲面,可以为快速成型机提供可加工的STL格式文件。)


例句:We mainly manufacture and sell various highly-flexible LACES, fabrics, meshes, and jacquards. (翻译:主要生产及销售各种高弹性的花边、面料、网眼布、提花系列等产品。)


polyface meshes一般作为名词使用,如在polyface([网络] 利弗斯;陈玉珊今年成了柏合丽)、meshes(n. 网孔( mesh的复数形式 ); 网状物; 陷阱; 困境)、double meshes(双线编网目)等常见短语中出现较多。

polyface[网络] 利弗斯;陈玉珊今年成了柏合丽
meshesn. 网孔( mesh的复数形式 ); 网状物; 陷阱; 困境
double meshes双线编网目
false meshes增目{手编}
hanging meshes一目减一目作成的三角网地
navigation meshes[网络] 导航网格;导航网格物体;导览网格
period meshes[数] 周期格子
polygon meshes[网络] 多边形网格;多边形网面;实体模型
vein meshes脉网


1. Help to generate and repair meshes to obtain machinable mock-ups for the rapid prototyping machines working with STL files as input. (翻译:通过生成与修补网格曲面,可以为快速成型机提供可加工的STL格式文件。)

2. We mainly manufacture and sell various highly-flexible LACES, fabrics, meshes, and jacquards. (翻译:主要生产及销售各种高弹性的花边、面料、网眼布、提花系列等产品。)

3. After pulping and pressing, the juice sift through 140 meshes sieve immediately and exclude pomace may get debitterize effect. (翻译:在芦柑打浆榨汁后,立即用140目尼龙筛过滤,除去滤渣,可取得脱苦效果。)

4. The Chinese medicine ointment is compounded with Herba Violae verecundae plaintain and Coptis rhizome in the same amount through grinding into 20-40 meshes and mixing with solvent. (翻译:一种用于治疗的骨结核中药膏,主要由消毒草、车钱草、黄连根为均等分,碎细度20―40目,加溶剂组配成骨结核中药膏。)

5. High-level overlays are usually structured into trees, meshes, or hypercubes. (翻译:高级覆盖通常结构化成树状、网孔状或者超立方体状。)

6. A Constant Time Optimal Parallel EXOR Algorithm on Reconfigurable Meshes and Its Applications (翻译:可重构造网孔机器上常数时间的最优异或算法及应用)

7. In the Occlusion Culling Window, you can work with occluder meshes, and Occlusion Areas. (翻译:在遮挡剔除窗口,您可以使用遮挡物网格和遮挡区域。)

8. Here are the unwrapped meshes, ready to be painted on. (翻译:下面是展开图的网格物体,我们准备在他的上面绘制贴图。)

9. And that is this: the farm is called Polyface, which means ... (翻译:它就是。农场的名字叫Ployface。意思是--)

10. Al Gore: Finally, the positive alternative meshes with our economic challenge and our national security challenge. (翻译:戈尔:最后是这个正面的方案 可以应对经济挑战 和国家安全挑战 )

11. She had just been for a row on the river, and the sun that netted the little waves with gold seemed to have caught her in its meshes. (翻译:她刚刚在河中划了一会船,给细浪罩上一层金网的太阳似乎也把她罩在网中了。)

12. She had just been back for a row on the river, and the sun that netted the little waves with gold seemed to have caught her in its meshes. (翻译:她刚从河上划船回来,水上那阳光织成的金色浪网仿佛还罩在她头上。)

13. And that is this: the farm is called Polyface, which means ... (翻译:它就是。农场的名字叫Ployface。意思是-- )

14. Terrain. terrain Data The Terrain Data that stores height maps, terrain textures, detail meshes and trees. (翻译:Unity3D中文论坛地形数据的存储heightmaps,地形纹理,细节网格和树木。)

15. This evidence meshes with earlier reports of an organized riot. (翻译:这一证据和先前关于一次有组织暴乱的报告相吻合。)

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