polygenic sediment是什么意思 polygenic sediment的中文翻译、读音、例句

polygenic sediment是什么意思 polygenic sediment的中文翻译、读音、例句

polygenic sediment的中文解释是"多源沉积物",作为名词时有"多源沉积物"的意思,在线读音是[polygenicsediment],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到95个与polygenic sediment相关的句子。

Polygenic sediment的翻译


例句:", "Wash with dishcloth entrainment of sediment scratches, the car paint is one of the reasons. (洗车用的抹布夹带的泥沙划伤车漆,也是原因之一。)


polygenic sediment一般作为名词使用,如在polygenic(多元发生的 )、sediment(沉积 )、polygenic balance(微效基因均衡)等常见短语中出现较多。

polygenic balance微效基因均衡
polygenic character多基因性状
polygenic combination多基因组合
polygenic conglomerate多源砾岩
polygenic disease多基因病
polygenic diseases[网络] 多基因遗传病;多基因疾病;多重基因疾病
polygenic disorder[网络] 多基因遗传病;多基因病;多基因或多因素疾病


1. Kinetics of Anaerobic Degradation of Lindane in Liaohe River Sediment (翻译:高丙体六六六在辽河沉积物中的缺氧降解动力学)

2. For highly cohesive sediment, the critical tractive force becomes less significant. (翻译:对于高粘性泥沙,临界推移力就成为不重要的。)

3. Sediment sorting and compaction influence permeability and porosity. (翻译:沉积物的分选和压实作用影响渗透率和孔隙度。)

4. Objective: To study the constituents in sediment of Decoction Pulsatilla. (翻译:目的:对白头翁汤沉淀的化学成分进行研究。)

5. Sediment plumes can be so extensive, they sometimes spread to the outer reef. (翻译:羽状的沉积物有很多 有时会被带进外堡礁中)

6. Similar sediment pollution scenarios are occurring in the headwaters of the Salween and Yangtze Rivers. (翻译:在萨尔温江和长江上游也存在类似的泥沙污染状况。)

7. The controlling measures are mainly to economize on water, build sediment prevention facilities at headworks for reducing the amount of sediment diversion; (翻译:这些措施主要有:节约用水,在渠首建防沙设施,以减少引沙量; )

8. It is an actual three-dimensional structure, backfilled with sediment. (翻译:这是一个真实的三维结构,回填与沉积物。)

9. By the way, did you guys notice any sediment in that tequila? (翻译:顺便说下 你们注意到龙舌兰酒里有东西了吗?)

10. All sediment samples were collected by divers using SCUB. (翻译:所有的沉积物样本收集的潜水员使用SCUB。)

11. Each sea pen it touches withdraws into the sediment. (翻译:但是它们的康复进程很缓慢 所以能看到达么大的群体是很鼓舞人心的)

12. Omics docking study for polygenic inheritance tumors has become an important strategy in oncology research. (翻译:多基因遗传性肿瘤的组学对接研究,已成为肿瘤学的重要研究战略,具有重要的实验和理论指导意义。)

13. Many organisms that die in the sea are soon buried by sediment. (翻译:许多在海里死亡的生物很快便被沉淀物掩埋。)

14. While the soft or lightly clotty sediment is sampled with general pipe cores, it is always inevitable that sediment samples are disturbed. (翻译:在使用常规管状取样器对松软或轻微固结的沉积物取样时,沉积物样品的扰动总是不可避免的。)

15. This sediment will then probably be formed into a folded and imbricated structure. (翻译:然后这些沉积物可能形成褶皱和叠瓦构造。)

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