polypod是什么意思 polypod的中文翻译、读音、例句

polypod是什么意思 polypod的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词义解释:多足类的,指动物或植物中具有多个足或根的特征。例如,多足类动物包括蜈蚣、螃蟹等。


1. Polypod larvae develop into complex, metamorphic juveniles before reaching adulthood.

2. The polypod footprints in the mud indicated that they had recently crossed this area.

3. Polypod plants have more than one root system, which helps them to absorb nutrients more efficiently.

4. The polypod crab scurried along the beach, its many legs moving in unison.

5. The polypod worm wriggled through the sand, using its numerous bristles to propel itself forward.


1. 多足类的幼虫会在成年前发育成为复杂的变态体。

2. 泥地上的多足类动物足迹表明它们最近经过了这里。

3. 多足类植物具有多个根系,这有助于它们更有效地吸收营养。

4. 多足类螃蟹在海滩上来回奔跑,众多的脚步协调一致。

5. 多足类蠕虫在沙子里蠕动着,利用众多的刚毛来推进自己前行。

2. 词源解释:'polypod'源自希腊词语'polys'(意为多)、'pous'(意为脚)。因此,'polypod'含有“多足”的意思。


1. The word 'polypod' comes from the Greek words 'polys' and 'pous'.

2. The polypod crab was named for its many legs, which are a defining characteristic of the species.

3. The study of polypod animals and plants has a long history in scientific research.


1. “Polypod”这个词源于希腊语单词“polys”和“pous”。

2. 多足类螃蟹因其众多的脚而得名,这也是该物种的一个显著特征。

3. 对多足类动植物的研究在科学研究中有着悠久的历史。

3. 古生物学解释:'polypod'也可指古生物学中的腕足动物,这是一类海洋生物,其特征是具有多个触手和腕部。这些古生物生存于远古时期,如奥陶纪和志留纪。


1. Fossilized polypods have been found in rocks dating back millions of years.

2. The study of polypod evolution has led to important discoveries about the history of life on Earth.

3. Some of the earliest known polypods were simple organisms with only a few arms and no eyes.


1. 在数百万年前的岩石中发现了化石化的多足类动物。

2. 对多足类动物进化的研究已经为地球生命的历史带来了重大的发现。

3. 一些最早的多足类动物是简单的生物,只有几条触手,没有眼睛。




例句:Well, for me, Grandma, the two of you are peas in a pod. (那么,对于我来说,奶奶, 你们两个都在荚豌豆。)


例句:Grandpa left, yet the roly-poly left me. (爷爷走了,却把不倒翁留给了我。)


例句:A parafoil is deployed to fly the pod back to earth. (用一个翼伞将分离舱飘回地球。)


例句:The Stone is in the furthest pod. (翻译:宝石在最前面那个飞行舱里 The Stone is in the furthest pod.)


polypod一般作为名词使用,如在polypod larva(多足蚴;多脚蚴)、polypod phase(多足相)、polypod type(多足型)等常见短语中出现较多。

polypod larva多足蚴;多脚蚴
polypod phase多足相
polypod type多足型


1. A parafoil is deployed to fly the pod back to earth. (翻译:用一个翼伞将分离舱飘回地球。)

2. The Stone is in the furthest pod. (翻译:宝石在最前面那个飞行舱里 The Stone is in the furthest pod.)

3. Look for clothing made of licra, microfiber of poly or vicose. (翻译:找那些由licra,聚乙烯超细纤维或vicose纤维制成的衣服。)

4. POD isozyme differences, can be used as biochemical indicators of species identification. (翻译:POD同工酶差异明显,可作为品种鉴定的生化指标。)

5. Take the Pod to Moonhaven! (翻译:-走! 把花苞带到月神殿! -我不能把你留在这里自己走!)

6. They located the Presidentsescape Pod beacon. (翻译:他们所在的 Presidentsescape波德灯塔。)

7. Hayes, this will be your pod. (翻译:海斯 这是你的监控室 普勒尔 你再隔壁 Hayes, this will be your pod.)

8. Gotta go way back for that. (翻译:Blooming a pod! Gotta go way back for that! 就是这个!)

9. But this pod of killer whales contains a very special female. (翻译:大乌鸦会提供他们所需的资讯 现在该来消灭目标了)

10. The main factors effecting browning were PPO and POD in the Prunus mume juice during processing. (翻译:PPO和POD是青梅果汁加工中褐变的主要影响因素;)

11. Chewie, throw them in a pod. (翻译:丘伊 把他们扔到飞行舱里 Chewie, throw them in a pod.)

12. The dewax rate is controlled by the diffusion of paraffin wax in poly propylene. (翻译:蜡的动力学控制步骤为石蜡在聚丙烯中的扩散过程。)

13. They have their own dialects, varying from pod to pod. (翻译:从一个族群到另一族群 有它们自己不同的方言)

14. The BR treatment enhanced the expression level of POD isozymes in the leaves of both materials. (翻译:经BR处理后两个材料的POD同工酶谱带表达均明显增强。)

15. The blend on your uniform... 45 wool, 55 poly? (翻译:你制服的成份 45%羊毛 55%聚酯纤维)

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