poor state是什么意思 poor state的中文翻译、读音、例句

poor state是什么意思 poor state的中文翻译、读音、例句

poor state在英语中代表"医"的意思,在英美地区还有"不良状态"的意思,在线发音:[puə steit],poor state在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到37个与poor state相关的例句。

Poor state的释义


例句:This man is in an irrational state of mind! (他疯了 他没大脑 This man is in an irrational state of mind!)


例句:The ship of state, Bernard, (只有国家这条船 伯纳 The ship of state, Bernard,)


poor state一般作为名词使用,如在poor nutritional state(营养不良)、poor(贫穷的 )、poor in([网络] 在…差的;缺乏;贫乏)等常见短语中出现较多。

poor nutritional state营养不良
poor in[网络] 在…差的;缺乏;贫乏
the poor[总称]穷人,贫民;依靠慈善救济或教区救济的人们
in a state不整洁,邋遢;焦躁不安,萎靡不振
in state正式地, 庄重地
on state导通状态
state it[网络] 说出来
the state公家;官面儿


1. POOR Jeff Immelt. (翻译:可怜的杰夫伊梅尔特。)

2. Poor girl came down with malaria. (翻译:得了疟疾 真是可怜这女孩了 Poor girl came down with malaria.)

3. She lives in Elk Creek, on the other side of the state. (翻译:on the other side of the state.)

4. The state granted him parole. (翻译:是国家给了他假释 The state granted him parole.)

5. Will, you call your highest contact at the State Department. (翻译:you call your highest contact at the State Department.)

6. You know, Vick Vice is returning from a sabbatical at Penn State. (翻译:Vick Vice is returning from a sabbatical at Penn State.)

7. Russian State Tele- and Radio Company (翻译:Russian State Tele - and Radio Company)

8. and drive from state to state. (翻译:开着旅行车穿州过省 and drive from state to state.)

9. What makes you think there was anything going on? (翻译:Come here, girl! Isis! 可怜的爸爸 我估计是被人偷了 {\3cH202020}Poor Papa.)

10. Poor sainted virgin! (翻译:可怜的圣女! )

11. ♫ You left me in a restless state ? (翻译:You left me in a restless state)

12. Poor thing having you as a father. (翻译:有你这种父亲 Poor thing having you as a father.)

13. Supernatural powers The State Council even says so (翻译:Supernatural powers The State Council even says so)

14. The Daughters of America had just appointed me state regent. (翻译:Daughters of America刚任命我为state regent)

15. Poor little Azerbaijan. (翻译:可怜的阿塞拜疆。)

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