populus purdomii是什么意思 populus purdomii的中文翻译、读音、例句

populus purdomii是什么意思 populus purdomii的中文翻译、读音、例句

populus purdomii在中文中有"冬瓜杨"的意思,其次还有"冬瓜杨"的意思,单词读音音标为[populuspurdomii],populus purdomii常被用作名词,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到23个与populus purdomii相关的例句。

Populus purdomii的中文翻译


例句:The experiment reveals that the low salinity and the sufficient water supply are the most important for the survival of seedlings of Populus euphratica. (实验结果显示,早期的低盐和充分的水分条件是胡杨幼苗存活的关键。)


populus purdomii一般作为名词使用,如在Populus purdomii(n. 冬瓜杨)、populus purdomii rehd.(冬瓜杨)、Dracocephalum purdomii(n. 岷山毛建草)等常见短语中出现较多。

Populus purdomiin. 冬瓜杨
populus purdomii rehd.冬瓜杨
Dracocephalum purdomiin. 岷山毛建草
Gentiana purdomiin. 岷县龙胆
Leptodermis purdomiin. 甘肃野丁香
Ligularia purdomiin. 褐毛橐吾
Primula purdomiin. 紫罗兰报春
Rhododendron purdomiin. 太白杜鹃
Sedum purdomiin. 裂鳞景天
Populus[网络] 杨属;杨树;白杨


1. Hu Yanglin Populus Mongolian known as the "Tao" is a deciduous tree, thin wooden soft, broad leaves Qing dark and quiet. (翻译:胡杨林胡杨蒙古语称为“陶来”,是落叶乔木,木质纤细柔软,树叶阔大清杳。)

2. The smooth white trunk of Populus tremuloides, or “Quaking Aspen, ” hides a secret. (翻译:这些树干光滑的美洲山杨,或者叫做“颤杨”有着一个秘密。)

3. Populus euphratica is only species which forms forest in the lower reaches of Tarim River. (翻译:胡杨是塔里木河流域唯一的成林树种,也是世界上古老而珍贵的植物。)

4. Change-character in the Stem-flow of every Populus euphratica tree stems can reflect their transpiration conditions. (翻译:胡杨的树干茎流变化特征可以反映其蒸腾状况。)

5. Analysis on Change of Transpiration Rate and Leaf Water Potential of Populus diversifolia Schrenk under Different Ground Water Level (翻译:不同地下水位胡杨蒸腾速率与叶水势的变化分析)

6. A study was conducted on the effect of different concentration of NAA treatments on the cutting propagation of triploid Populus tomentosa testtube plantlet cuttings. (翻译:研究了不同浓度NAA处理对三倍体毛白杨试管苗切段扦插繁殖的影响。)

7. Studies on adaptability of Populus bolleana and other Poplar trees in northwest Shanxi Province (翻译:合作杨、新疆杨等杨树品种在晋西北地区的适应性研究)

8. Oxygen delignification of populus kraft pulp is studied. (翻译:进行了杨木硫酸盐浆氧脱木素的研究。)

9. Quantity Genetic Analysis of Physiological and Growth Properties for Populus nigra L. (翻译:水分胁迫下欧洲黑杨无性系生理和生长指标的数量遗传分析。)

10. Objective The study aimed to learn the population quantity and dynamic of Populus pruinosa in Tarim basin. (翻译:目的了解塔里木盆地灰叶胡杨种群的数量及动态。)

11. Thus, Phragmitas communis and Populus alba were selected as the best remediation plants. (翻译:可见,芦苇和白杨是该地比较适合的土壤石油污染修复植物。)

12. Phenological phase changes of populus simon ii are of strong response to air temperature change, and their relationships may be nonlinear. (翻译:物候期变化对温度的响应较强,其关系有可能是非线性的。)

13. In two secondary forests, Populus davidiana fine root decomposition rate was faster than Betula platyphylla's. (翻译:在白桦山杨幼林和成熟林中,山杨的细根分解均比白桦细根快。)

14. So it is of utmost importance to protect Populus euphratica, which can promote the restoration of regional desert vegetation specially. (翻译:为此,加强胡杨林的保护,促进区域荒漠植被的恢复尤显重要。)

15. Any of several trees of the genus Populus having leaves attached by flattened leafstalks so that they flutter readily in the wind. (翻译:白杨一种树白杨属,叶长在扁平的叶柄上,因此易于随风飘动。)

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