poster ad在中文中有"海报广告"的意思,其中文解释还有"海报广告"的意思,在线发音:[posterad],poster ad来源于英语,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到33个与poster ad相关的句子。
Poster ad的词典翻译
例句:Lecktor's ad runs as is, or we pull it and run our own ad next week. (照原样登出莱克特的广告, 我们迟些再破解密码 要不就撤下广告, 等破解后下星期再登出 浪费整一星期?)
poster ad一般作为名词使用,如在poster(海报 )、film poster([网络] 电影海报;影视广告)、four poster(四柱大床)等常见短语中出现较多。
poster | 海报 |
film poster | [网络] 电影海报;影视广告 |
four poster | 四柱大床 |
make a poster | n. 制作海报 |
movie poster | [网络] 电影海报;电影海报制作;微电影海报 |
outside poster | 车体[广告]张贴物 |
poster advertising | [网络] 招贴广告;海报广告;海报招贴 |
poster board | 招贴用纸板 |
poster boards | 广告纸板;海报用纸;写布告用的硬纸板 |
1. Ad lapidem curebat olim regina. (翻译:Ad Lapidem curebat Olim Regina)
2. You want this line on the recruiting poster? (翻译:你想你这句话,可不可以 印在招募警员的海报上?)
3. Jimmy, you sell ad time for A.M. radio. (翻译:you sell ad time for a. m. radio.)
4. All right, way to go, Cat Poster. (翻译:好了 猫图 你坚持住啊 All right, way to go, Cat Poster.)
5. This poster is offensive and degrades women. (翻译:这张海报冒失无礼,有辱女性尊严。)
6. The artwork for the poster was done by my sister. (翻译:该海报的图片是我妹妹制作的。)
7. Maybe we could get an autographed movie poster. (翻译:也许我们能得到一个他的海报亲笔签名 Maybe we could get an autographed movie poster.)
8. There is a big poster of Westlife on the wall. (翻译:墙壁上有一张西城男孩的大海报。)
9. Cyrus is a poster child for the criminally insane. (翻译:他是个标准精神罪犯 社会体制下的产物 Cyrus is a poster child for the criminally insane.)
10. And then I defaced it by putting Jupiter on it for the poster. (翻译:不过我把木星加到这个海报上之后 它变丑了。)
11. Their testimony was in the accusation of the leaders of the poster of Medellin. (翻译:他们的证词是在指责 麦德林的海报的领导人。)
12. To organize and administrate the activities of AD publishing and AD operation. (翻译:组织管理广告发布与广告经营活动。)
13. The Virgo poster is a picture of a beautiful woman with long hair, sort of lounging by some water, but the Libra poster is just a huge scale. (翻译:处女座的海报中画的是一个长发美女, 懒洋洋的躺在水边。而天秤座的海报画的只是一个巨大的天平 )
14. Prunella traded her rock star poster. (翻译:普瑞娜想交换她的摇滚明星海报。)
15. The latest poster boy for this phenomenon is David Karp. (翻译:这种现象的最新代言人 是大卫 · 卡普 )