posterior cruciate ligament通常被翻译为"后交叉韧带"的意思,在英美地区还有"后交叉韧带"的意思,单词读音音标为[posteriorcruciateligament],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到99个与posterior cruciate ligament相关的例句。
Posterior cruciate ligament的中文翻译
例句:Objective To observe the clinical effect of Daurorubicin (DNR) preventing the posterior capsule opacification (PCO). (目的观察柔红霉素预防后囊膜混浊的临床效果。)
posterior cruciate ligament一般作为名词使用,如在hemiplegia cruciate(交叉性上下肢瘫)、lesser cruciate fissure(小十字沟)、posterior(后面的 )等常见短语中出现较多。
hemiplegia cruciate | 交叉性上下肢瘫 |
lesser cruciate fissure | 小十字沟 |
posterior | 后面的 |
posterior to | 晚于 |
duplicitas posterior | [医] 双下身联胎, 上身联胎 |
extremitas posterior | [医] 上端(脾) |
facies posterior | [医] 后面 |
fasciculi posterior | [医] 后束(臂丛) |
Fasciculus posterior | 后束 |
fonticulus posterior | [解剖] 后囟 |
1. The dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial arterial pulses were present. (翻译:足背动脉与胫后动脉搏动存在。)
2. Application of Nerve Electrophysiological Monitor in Selective Posterior Spinal Nerve Rhizotomy (翻译:选择性脊神经后根切除术中神经电生理监测的应用)
3. Obesity or excessive weight can be a strong contributing factor in cruciate rupture. (翻译:肥胖或过重可以是一个强有力的促进因素十字破裂。)
4. The most common types of cataract were cortical and posterior subcapsular opacities . (翻译:最常见的白内障种类是皮质性和后囊的水晶体混浊。)
5. The major complication were corneal edema and posterior capsular rupture. (翻译:主要并发症有角膜水肿和后囊膜破裂。)
6. Myelination is usually present in the brainstem, thalamus, and posterior limbs of the internal capsules. (翻译:髓鞘形成通常出现在脑干、丘脑和内囊后肢。)
7. Summary: Fracture of the medial tubercle of posterior process of talus is a very rare injury. (翻译:距骨后凸内侧节结骨折是一个很少见的损伤。)
8. Objective: To identify the cause and the treatment for posterior capsular rupture in the cataract phacoemulsification. (翻译:目的:探讨白内障超声乳化术中发生后囊破裂的原因及处理措施。)
9. Anterior gastrotomy for access and cystogastrostomy creation through the posterior wall. (翻译:经前路胃切开术进入 然后通过后壁进行胃吻合术)
10. Objective To seartch for the best restorative procedure in the majority anodontia of posterior tooth. (翻译:目的探讨后牙大部分缺损的最佳修复方式。)
11. Continence can be maintained after posterior urethral stenting in select patients. (翻译:选择病例进行后尿道支架植入可保持排尿的可控性。)
12. Joint Probability, Conditional Probability, Prior & Posterior Probabilities, Bayes Theorem. (翻译:联合机率,条件机率,前后机率,贝氏定理。)
13. The main postoperative complications were anterior uveitis and posterior synechia of the iris. (翻译:术后主要并发症是前葡萄膜炎和虹膜后粘连。)
14. The most common types of cataract were cortical and posterior subcapsular opacities. (翻译:最常见的白内障种类是皮质性和后囊的水晶体混浊。)
15. Objective To study the microsurgical anatomic feature of the posterior communicating artery (PcoA). (翻译:目的学习后交通动脉的显微外科解剖特点。)