poste restantes是什么意思 poste restantes的中文翻译、读音、例句

poste restantes是什么意思 poste restantes的中文翻译、读音、例句

poste restantes通常被翻译为"留局待取"的意思,作为名词时有"的复数"的意思,发音音标为[posterestantes],poste restantes常被用作名词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到42个与poste restantes相关的句子。

Poste restantes的词典翻译


例句:Still the same poste restante address in Bavaria, but now she speaks of going to Italy. (一样的邮件地址在巴伐利亚 但现在她说去意大利)


例句:We are produced interested in msimilarg you a deis on our ha singled-mcl poste carpets. which are very well received in the overseas markets. (很愉快向贵方报我方手工制造的地毯的价值,该产品在国外市场上深受迎接。)


poste restantes一般作为名词使用,如在poste(n. 邮政, 邮局)、en poste([法语] (外交官等)在职的,在任的;上班的,值班的)、Poste Deshayes([地名] *德赛站 ( 柬 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

posten. 邮政, 邮局
en poste[法语] (外交官等)在职的,在任的;上班的,值班的
Poste Deshayes[地名] *德赛站 ( 柬 )
poste restante留局待取
Poste Weygand[地名] 韦冈站 ( 阿尔及 )
Poste de Flacq[地名] 弗拉克站 ( 毛里求 )
Poste Maurice Cortier[地名] *莫里斯·科尔捷站 ( 阿尔及 )


1. look at present, in the early morning the update is normal, and the Suggestions morning in bed watching poste wash. (翻译:目前看来,在凌晨更新是常态,建议早上起床时赖在床上看完再行梳洗之事。)

2. Treatment of complicated spinal injury by depression grafting and locking plate fixation through combined anterior-poste-rior approaches (翻译:前后路联合减压植骨带锁钢板内固定治疗复杂颈椎损伤)

3. In these experiments, we have used a validation set that has been taken from the Service DE Recherche Technique DE la Poste database. (翻译:在这些实验中,我们已经使用了一套验证已采取了从服务研究和技术德邮局的数据库。)

4. The Italians call it la poste di falcone... (翻译:意大利人叫... ... 雄鹰展翅 The Italians call it la poste di falcone...)

5. If you write to me, send your letters to me poste restante at the Bangkok General Post Office. (翻译:你如果要写信给我,把信寄到曼谷邮政总局邮件留局待领处。)

6. Nor, as Mr Poste says, is there conclusive evidence that research at biotech companies is always more productive. (翻译:正如波斯泰先生指出的,也不存在什么结论性的证据,表明在生物科技公司进行研究总是更有成效。)


poste restantes作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有0、poste、restante/1、s等。

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