posterior conjunctival veins在中文中有"结膜后动脉"的意思,还经常被翻译为结膜后动脉,单词读音音标为[posteriorconjunctivalveins],posterior conjunctival veins来源于英语,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到57个与posterior conjunctival veins相关的例句。
Posterior conjunctival veins的中文翻译
例句:The veins carry blood to the heart. (静脉把血液输送到心脏。)
posterior conjunctival veins一般作为名词使用,如在posterior conjunctival arteries(后结膜动脉;结膜后动脉)、posterior conjunctival artery(结膜后动脉)、conjunctival(结膜的 )等常见短语中出现较多。
posterior conjunctival arteries | 后结膜动脉;结膜后动脉 |
posterior conjunctival artery | 结膜后动脉 |
conjunctival | 结膜的 |
posterior cardinal veins | 后主静脉\n(posterior cardinal vein 的复数) |
posterior ciliary veins | 睫状后静脉 |
posterior facial veins | 面后静脉\n(posterior facial vein 的复数) |
posterior intercostal veins | 肋间后静脉 |
posterior interosseous veins | 骨间后静脉 |
posterior spinal veins | 脊髓后静脉 |
1. The posterior renal fascia composed of superficial layer(lateral conal fascia) and the deep one(posterior lamella). (翻译:肾后筋膜分两层,包括侧锥筋膜和肾筋膜后叶。)
2. What runs in your veins, philosopher, blood or water? (翻译:你血管流的是什么? 哲学家 是血液,还是水?)
3. But the cephalic veins are sometimes difficult to isolate. (翻译:但部分患者分离头静脉存在困难。)
4. Because there is stellated veins in my hand. (翻译:因为我的手里有星星纹。)
5. The superficial aspect of the smaller limbal tumors appeared as fusiform conjunctival thickening in ultrasound. (翻译:较小轮状肿瘤的表面,在超音波中出现纺缍型结膜增厚。)
6. Knee pain and varicose veins. (翻译:膝盖酸痛,腿上静脉曲张。)
7. And then a fifth just to harvest veins from the leg. (翻译:每组负责一个手臂 第五组负责从腿部移取静脉血管)
8. Nerves are yellow, arteries are red, veins are blue. (翻译:黄色的是神经,红色的是动脉, 蓝色是静脉。)
9. An azured harebell like her veins. (翻译:像她的脉管一样蓝的风信子。)
10. ♪ sends a shiver through my veins ♪ (翻译:♪ sends a shiver through my veins ♪ 我就浑身一颤)
11. The artery ramifies into a network of veins. (翻译:动脉分枝成许多网状的静脉。)
12. Subdural hematomas are a result of tearing of the bridging veins which are located between the cortical veins and the dural sinuses. (翻译:硬膜下血肿是由于皮层静脉和硬膜窦之间的桥静脉的撕裂所致。)
13. Very muscular with steely veins running down. (翻译:小腿上的肌肉非常结实 青筋一条条突出来,像钢筋)
14. Varicose veins are really just swollen veins and are caused by increased blood volume and pressure on the legs and feet. (翻译:静脉曲张其实就是肿胀的静脉,这是由腿部和脚部的血量增加和压力引起的。)
15. leaf blade scabrous or smooth, veins pinnate, secondary veins parallel, prominent, margin entire or smooth. (翻译:叶片粗糙或平滑的,羽状的脉,次脉平行,突出的,边缘全缘或平滑的。)