posterior interosseous nerve在英语中代表"骨间后神经"的意思,还经常被翻译为骨间后神经,单词读音音标为[posteriorinterosseousnerve],posterior interosseous nerve来源于英语,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到82个与posterior interosseous nerve相关的句子。
Posterior interosseous nerve的中文翻译
例句:The neurotropic effects of nerve growth factor and the regeneration chamber fluid on cultured nerve tissue (神经生长因子和再生室收集液对培养神经组织的趋化作用)
posterior interosseous nerve一般作为名词使用,如在interosseous nerve(骨间神经)、posterior interosseous artery(骨间后动脉)、posterior interosseous veins(骨间后静脉)等常见短语中出现较多。
interosseous nerve | 骨间神经 |
posterior interosseous artery | 骨间后动脉 |
posterior interosseous veins | 骨间后静脉 |
interosseous | 骨间的 |
posterior ampullar nerve | 壶腹后神经 |
posterior ampullary nerve | 后壶腹神经 |
posterior auricular nerve | 耳后神经 |
posterior cutaneous nerve | 后侧皮神经 |
posterior ethmoidal nerve | 筛后神经 |
1. To discuss the application of facial nerve decompression by combined posterior tympanum and epitympanum approach and to observe the outcomes. (翻译:目的应用后、上鼓室联合径路面神经减压技术治疗损伤部位在膝状神经节及近侧端的周围性面瘫患者,并观察其疗效。)
2. Including the release of nerve gas into the vents, (翻译:所以气流走向 包括排入通风口的神经毒气 so air flow, including the release of nerve gas into the vents,)
3. Labs where the nerve agents are stored, (翻译:控制了防弹安全门 Bulletproof security doors, 储存神经毒气的实验室 labs where the nerve agents are stored,)
4. Objective: To provide anatomical data for block anesthesia of anterior palatine nerver and superior posterior alveolar nerve. (翻译:目的:为腭前神经及上牙槽后神经等阻滞麻醉提供解剖学资料。)
5. And you-you have the nerve to come here and say to me that it's over? (翻译:你竟敢 And you... you have the nerve 到这儿跟我说这一切都结束了?)
6. Brachial plexus; Nerve block; Local anesthesia; Nerve stimulator. (翻译:臂丛;神经传导阻滞;麻醉,局部;神经刺激器。)
7. Severe nerve damage in both hands. (翻译:双手神经严重损伤 Severe nerve damage in both hands.)
8. Objective:To study the possible compression site of the posterior interosseous nerve at the distal of the supinator muscle and its clinical significance. (翻译:目的:了解骨间后神经穿旋后肌后可能的卡压位置及临床意义。)
9. signal, laying in muscle wimble, and it circled optic nerve, but the optic nerve was clear. (翻译:肿块型,炎性假瘤呈均匀信号椭圆形肿块,位于肌锥内,常包绕视神经,但视神经清晰可见;)
10. Have you ever known anyone with nerve damage this severe to do this... (翻译:你见过神经受伤这么重 Have you ever known anyone with nerve damage this severe 用这个治疗方法 to do this...)
11. The thecal sac and nerve root are then gently retracted and protected with a nerve retractor. (翻译:使用神经牵引器轻柔的牵拉与保护硬膜囊与神经根。)
12. let me know if you work up the nerve. (翻译:- - let me know if you work up the nerve.)
13. He had the nerve to deny it -- deny all of it. (翻译:他居然不承认... 什么都不承认 He had the nerve to deny it... deny all of it.)
14. You got by the dragons mostly on nerve. (翻译:你很惊险的才打败那条龙 You got by the dragons mostly on nerve.)
15. Results: The TFCC was supplied by the dorsal and palmar branches of the anterior interosseous artery. (翻译:结果:三角纤维软骨复合体的血供主要来自骨间前动脉的掌侧支和背侧支。)